A canny little result against the team presumed the league leaders.
Worra day, wind, rain and the sloping mudheap that is Westminster Lodge pitch 1. A quiet start as we awaited the slow arrival of the opposition. We lounged round in the rain as they prevaricated but eventually some semblance of a match was commenced 25 minutes late as they arrived in dribs and invariably drabs. We were getting really cauld an it werra a bit ov a piss take really.
We started as we finished, playing all the football and attacking incessantly, the pitch being the only reason that we didn't reach double figures. Oh yes that and a number of misses and misfortunes. A lead from a penalty, for a handball , converted by M. Bull was more than we deserved. An entertaining striptease took place on the sidelines where three geriatrics seemed to be helbent on exchanging various articles of their clothing, revealing some disgusting bits of ageing anatomy in the process, so that they could equip one of their number with the necessary kit to come on as sub. Henceforth Gavin was faced with a dead ringer of Del Boy's Uncle Albert facing him. They equalised following in a freekick to hammer in from close range.
Then a fine run by Gavin saw the ball fall to the unerring Mark Mills who fired high into the net from 22 yards. 2-1.
Second half could have seen us score loads, we managed three. Old Ron, yes he was playing, Chris had a virus and Mike Lisle dropped out on the day, that's why, anyway a well worked move out left saw Phil send a soaring cross to the far post where it was duly butted home, it felt fuckin grand! 3-1.
Crap followed, a dive by pom pom head saw their referee give a penalty. It was said Trev, many of us disagreed, but all agreed whatever contact there was nae need for the somersault and double pike with 60 degrees of difficulty. After the feuding had died down, they hit the bar and our appeals for encroaching were quickly muffled as we broke away.
Number 4 was a slow motion advance through the mud to where Gavin re-arranging his feet twice squeezed the ball in. The fifth was an excellent move from the left, a cross to the far post where Gavin smashed home from a tight angle. 5-1.
One or two little brouhahas developed from time to time, but disappointingly the handbag contest outside the dressing room between our Steve, 6 foot 1, and their Paddy, 1 foot 6, was postponed due to either inclement weather or amnesia. Well we gained revenge for our unfortunate 3-2 defeat to this young side earlier in the season.
We adjourned to a sausageless Station where we thoughtfully watched a reformed John Boyle drink orange juice and lemonade. Is this the end of an era?
It was nice seeing all those who turned out at the previous Friday's crawl, sorry Dave a hope yi not bitter. Me faither aalwiz said yi nivvor torn doon vinegar wi yer chips. Aal yi needed were some chips really. I'll make it up to you, somehow........
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
May i be the first to congratulate all who participated. Gutted i was'nt there( im missing a tear up this season) Hopefully i might get on the subs bench next week and yes Ronny i did want chips or atleast some lightly salted french fries. Did the knitted bag get home safely??
Well done all, looks like you are having a great season. I don't recognise many names in the present team Ron. Hopefully when i am fit again and get a run out i can put a name to a face. Off to the Toon today for a few days break in Monkseaton. I am off to the Newcastle v Arsenal match tomorrow. COME ON YOU REDS!
all the best me marrer.
Kevin you keep missing the bondage sessions where not only could you place names to pretty faces but become acquainted also withe odd arse- no emphasis on the odd!
Some years I might have had a sneaking feeling for Newcastle, now reduced to just a feeling, a hope and a prayer.
Ron of the Get Rid of SA Society
I've had an e-mail from Alistair who had a complaint from the Parish Council. Apparently "a gentleman" was spotted by a hawk eyed resident (Frustrated Felicity) urinating 'gainst a tree in the Rec. Toilets are provided. First you ascertain where the changing room key is, hurry back to the changing rooms, negotiate two sets of locks where you'll find the correct place to urinate. If you haven't pissed yersel by then then yer a better man than me Gunga Din.
Man of match last Sunday, in the quagmire, Matt for continuous hastling and worrying- though indeed he did not score this week.
Ware drew with Sandy 2-2, we play Ware at home on Sunday.
well you can tell the old farts at the parish council that it wasn't this knob.
Are you sure the resident didn't just peer out of his window and look towards Trussells, therefore mistaking a harmless sausage (the best in Hertfordshire) for a old footballers knob?
The resident may have seen me; although i was not urinating. I had an itchy bell end so i rubbed it against the bark of a tree. What a lovely feeling!
Feel free to inform the concerned resident that the incident was not as they thought.
so glad that the previous comment means we have another member!(excuse the pun)
I once shagged a Dutch Elm.................lovely!
surely what she saw was a nob not a knob.
Exactly how do you wank a tree?
Sap i luuuuuuuuv sap! get a tree worked up and................sap everywhere! a nice birch thats the one. Don't get me started.
You Girl's have far to much time on your hands...
did you read in the paper last week about the young man arrested for attempting to have sex with a fence?
What type of fence was it? If it was an ornate wrought iron fence or a fresh close lap fence i dont blame him!
It was disgusting but i do not expect any different from you vile creatures.
It was one of them metal fences with spikes- it were around one of those London garden parks. Keep it quiet Felicity wasn't there.
Newcastle 1 Arsenal 1
Howay the lads! Didn't Arsenal struggle to flow under that kind of parks football pressurising. They better get used to playing without Fabregas and to an extent Hleb or else they will be just another team, albeit which will win more games than they will draw or lose.
What have Butt, Taylor, Barton, Milner and Smith in common?
Answer they're all English, so as well as supporting me local team last neet, I was also supporting "Almost England". Howay Almost England I cried, get that multi lingual and not much else Geremi off and put on Owen. And then there's Shay, an Irish, almost Englishman (God forgive me ).
It's a team well worth following- you know it makes sense. And Big Sam (the girning shit) he's English too, albeit an ex-Makkem bastard, briefly!
will the station be providing post match sausages? If so, are they from Trusells?
We do not provide sausages to the Station. The sausages they serve are made from rabbit poo and dig spit.
On the subject of sausages, is it possible that i can sponsor your No. 4?
i am available for sponsorship. can we change our name to trussells knobs?
Good old Spurs!
What do Dawson, Robinson, Jenas, Huddlestone, Defoe, Bent and Lennon have in common? Yes they play for Spurs, sort of, but they're all English. So Spurs are an "Almost English sort of Eleven".
Howay the Spurs, howay sort of England.
St Geordie
I thought there was supposed to be daylight between the last man and the last defender for offside?
Then look at Martins against Arsenal- there couldn't be a nipple in it !
We may be top of the league but with a team full of foreign glove wearing jessies and fucking french the language spoken at the club. Hopefully young theo will come good one day.
What do Dawson, Robinson, Jenas, Huddlestone, Defoe, Bent and Lennon have in common?
They are all average players.
nothing wrong with average- hide in a crowd- no worry as to whether certain parts fit- the security of belonging......
I must warn you all that urinating on the trees or grass at the recreation ground will not be tolerated.
The warning issued should not be taken lightly as further action will be taken against the culprits and your club.
And finally this blog is obscene and you should all grow up.
useless idiots
Dear PC,
What is wrong with a bit of urination or even fornication au naturel?
You obviously don't get out much. A frolic in the rec is an unforgettable experience as Felicity can well recall, the bitter bitch- she is my wife! What on earth made her report number 11 with his Trussell rustling in the breeze I cannot say- possible tree jealousy.
I am off to lubricate my fence now and rest assured, next erection, I will not be voting for you.
Lord Oakfield
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