As Sir Alf would have fulsomely declared, "well done chaps".
Last season a rather different Knobs side lost 7-1 here, where a certain amount of piss taking irked us in our cups. Going out onto the pitch, one of their lot was overheard saying how they'd get a bucket load of goals today. You're only as good as yer last game fella and they were well beaten, physically, tactically and creatively in a very competitive match. They've quite a skilful, strong front two which they tender to pepper with 60 yard exocets from their centre half. Scrapping for the second ball was important and we outfought them. A first half lead was due to an opportunist goal by the pacy Gavin, who showed class on a number of occasions, perhaps we didn't involve him sufficiently. It must be said this pitch is a small, tight school pitch and perhaps this mitigated against Gavin operating at full tilt. For this he might be thankful as he was dead side of knackered near the end. Perhaps it was just as well he wasn't fed more often.
A change midway through the half saw Phil make his first change from wide left to centre midfield with silky Steve further forward. An injury to Roy saw Phil slot in at the back next to the biting Chris. Half time 1-0.
Second half saw us carve a number of half chances before a bullet Steve corner was nutted in fiercely by Matt. Every corner gave us chances, they were creating nothing. With them 3 at the back we could have fucked em on each of our several breaks and so it proved as Matt beat wor Gav to a Mills pass, to run through unchallenged, round the keeper and pop in for 3-0. Were they shocked, I think so. A throw in which might not have come into play, was turned to their advantage as we switched off from their quick throw before they netted. Then fuck me we donated them their second. Inexplicably John, 'I've lost a litre of blood' Boyle played a square ball to me of all people which was intercepted and fluffily converted. We tightened up with Roy back on at the back and an attack led to a pass of vision through the mayhem by Steve, leftwards to Mark who inexplicably controlled and found the opposite top corner from 25 yards. That's it you lot- we're not gonna let you come back, we were only teasing.
Was I a little over verbal- not really it's a part of the game. Anyway each game could be my last, I was pleased to be involved in such a competitive game with such a friendly set of lads and I was on anti biotics and under threat from her indoors not to even think of playing. Don't tell her!
Well I've walked the dogs and am now going for a run. Some of the younger boys Boyle, Bull, Twigg and Simpson (via Tescos) have adjourned to the Station for a warm down but I'm saving myself for Friday night in the Old Town. See you there. Even Mark, after his stupendous contribution is considering turning out. To talk us through his shot. Each time he mentions it he buys a round- you needn't bring any money then.
We went to The Purple Duck in Baldock where mince, marge and bread and a delicious yellow vomit was the fare on offer. A good turn out. All except Mark, who'd rushed off provide vivid descriptions of his goal to their Andrew.
Howay the lads- now let's go and beat Young Boys of St Helens next week on the St Albans shitheap. Victory or on yer shields.
Rob Roy
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
alas...didn't make the pub. tesco over exerted me and then I had to look after the kiddies. ho-hum. good result though team! Onwards and upwards!
If Mr Mills is going on Friday then make sure you get his money early. I believe he still owes £5 from the golf day in August.
Best quality meat in the area- oh yes you pay a bit more for it but hey, the quality.
Best quality balls in the area - oh yes they are big but hey, in this case quantity does not compromise quality.
I feel that i can make a significant contribution to a winning side.
When do i get my chance you moRON?
Any cripple can do that
Looks like you have a winning formula Ron. Don't fix it unless it is broke is my motto, even though when fit i would like a game. Don't let the bastards get you down!
Only one human being gets me down and that sapiens will remain nameless.
Those who are getting games are enjoying things and are playing to a fairly good standard. Vintage Dundee were no mugs so it was a very pleasing as well as a successful performance. After this week's revenge game is out of the way others will get their chance to carry on the unbeaten run. This week cos it's a league game only 13 will attend plus me cos if it's tight subs will not be used lightly. 2 subs is enough under those circumstances.
Hope to see some of you at Thursday's curry or Friday's temperance meeting and we can chew the fat and smoke wampum peace pipe.
Am awa thi noo ti ha me tatties an neaps afore a gan ti thi trainin. Which reminds me Jack is rumoured as being keen for a game!
when am i getting a game?
When is the 12th of never?
Been looking at your action photos and it seems like the number 16 has a bit of class. He has a look on his face that tells me that no one is going to beat him. He also looks like he has great balance (prior to drinking).
No 16 I see no numbers!
Fuck off Debbie.
i can tell you that number 16 has small balls in fact no balls
Got to say that number 16 is a bit of a looker. Would'nt be suprised if he was a catwalk model in his not so earlier days. I f i was'nt a bloke i could fancy him.
I like the look of your No 4. He looks like a big juicy beef sausage.
he has a big juicy sausage
Ron said the next time I get a game hell will have frozen over, so I told my wife this and she suggested leaving the freezer open over night - she's a caring girl is my wife
Don't let a bit of masculinity stop ya big big, actually very fucking little, boy.
As for sweet, little 16.... and never been fucked you can have that one with some vouchers. For Trussells of course.
This blog is yet again turning into a vile site for pervs and people with toilet humour! Let's get back to the football talk.
Skipping along, singing, a song, skipping two by two,
Skipping here, skipping there, until our song is through,
Get ready, get set, go!
awfully good result on sunday old chaps. i do sincerely hope that we can go the rest of our lives unbeaten.
Speak for yourself thoughtful nob.
Smell my cheese
I do hope you all enjoy yourselves tonight and remember to drink sensibly.
You do realise that 'knobs' is spelled with a silent 'k' you subhuman sperm obsessives, to whom a 'play on words' was simply a ne'er learned art.
never heard of a silent k only a k you retard
Never seen a pronounced 'k' as in Evil Knievel, god rest his recently departed soul or even in klaxon, kerrfuffle and k... as opposed to the silent 'k' in for example, know-all.
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