The pitch won- very heavy, folk sliding into improbable often dangerous tackles, injuries, fortunately were few. Martin did a hamstring and poor old Mark pulled a muscle as linesman in the first half.
They had a few threatening corners, early on, before going ahead with a bit of a close range fluke. We immediately equalised through a Steve Bull penalty. Contested- by them. Not the illegitimacy of the life threatening dangerous foul from behind on Richard as he was running in to score- oh no- it was whether the assassination attempt took place 2 centimetres outside the area, hence no penalty. In the context of a vet's game the "tackle" had no place. I can appreciate, just, professionals committing such fouls then arguing it was on the edge of the area, but vets? Having seen red and acting as he did, their bonehead should have taken himself off and simply awarded us a goal as an act of pennance. Anyway I consulted the linesman , who was up with play, and he confirmed the offence to have taken place a yard inside the area.
Second half saw an immediate power run from Chris Wilson, who squared to Matt, who made no mistake from 8 yards. They hardly threatened after that but we missed a few. Some daft tackles and a free for all (noone dead) and we limped off winners.
Unlike the bonhomie of last year, none of them showed at the pub- ah well pathetic, huh!
I suggest our participation in the league ends this year, then whoever takes over to run the team, next year, will be able to resort to the pin, the hat and the hows your father to get 11 men out each Sunday and not have to be concerned about whether we are strong enough to compete and challenge young, muscular or cheating sides.
I apologise to those who have been left out since the start of the season because of my unilateral decision to try and run a team competitively. (Explained). We all have different opinions as to what should constitute the correct selection policy. I start from two basic principles and try to work through them.
1. Regular availablity
2. Ability.
All else is in the realms of micky mousedom.
Anyway I suggest a Committee meeting is urgently called to consider team selection and its principles or lack of them to be in place for the rest of the season.
The Chastened One
I reckon Trevor was MoM yesterday, nary an error and good calling of the game.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Has someone had a go Ron? Are you officially retiring as the manager? Would the pin or the hat be able to squirt vinegar? Did Trussells not have your favourite sausage in? Did you get misty-eyed watching Sir Bobby last night? Did you think 'that could have been me and yet I'm mangaing a load of whinging bastards!'? Do you need a hug?
Ron im sorry for moaning this season and i wasn't meant to affend.
Love Karl
I think your policy has been spot on. Has someone had a go?
So, is this the start of the end of the winning knob era?
Is our success on the pitch going to lead to our failure in the board room?
Are Trussells going to make a sausage in our name as a mark of respect?
I've formed a group called the knobs revolutionaries and have managed to get hold of 36 barrels of gunpowder. We already have a leader but are recruiting members with a story to tell. Want to join?
How many off you so called team mates would have played if asked in the last two games? Would you have made yourself available for selection in terrible weather, on dangerous pitches and stopped moaning? NO I didnt think so! You cant just play in home games on nice warm days and leave the rest of us with the crap away trips etc etc. stop the moaning and pat Ron on the back for a difficult job well done!
i always play in home games on sunny warm days and thats how it has always been and i see no reason for change as change is not good. anyway how would my sausages cook on cold miserable winter days?
No point playing a game like football if you are not playing to win. Ron made it quite clear from the start of the season that there would be one team for league games and another for friendlies.
Why change a winning formula? the younger members are less injury prone and more likely to play in all conditions anyway. Put it to the vote, let's be democratic. I bet the majority of Knobs would support Ron.
the younger members are less injury prone and more likely to play in all conditions anyway.
My sausage always shrink on cold miserable wet days.
Did you know that Napolean had a one inch willy and that Billy Ocean was nicknamed the 'Chief Whip' by Gary Glitter due to his unfeasibly large trouser snake?
If anyone wants to play on those cold wet days, I'm always willing to be pulled off by Ron at half-time!
i'm always being pulled off by ron and to be honest its beginning to hurt
G Fawkes, Napoleon, it'll be Machiaevelli soon, who isor are the grumbling old shits in the Knobs nest?
has Ron been given the dreaded vote of confidence?
Who gets Ron's job?
McLaren- Mourinho, Scolari, Shearwer or some vizened Knebworth vet architect of this shameful episode?
Apparently we had Napolean's winky on Sunday in The Station.
Sunday- come along and play if you think your hard/fit/eligigible/good enough!
The pumps don't work cos....?
its dark in here, am i in the cellar?
No. Yer a blind bastard so take that white stick out yer arse and back where you belong.
Do not look for me
I am not there.
Forget me
I no longer exist.
I never did.
anyone seen my matches?
Up yer arse next to your stick.
is that a knock at the door? i'm not expecting anyone. still dark in here.
It's Ye Olde Bill coming to take you away haha!
Hey! Bill's not that old.
Gaia is creaking and groaning. Beware you here-today-here-tomorrow merchants.
Change is inevitable as is death.
who is there?, oh it’s you bill with the torch
“what am I doing here?”
where am I?
“in ron’s cellar”
is this not the station? how did i get here? and what are all those barrels?
Get away from those barrels now!
They've got the Station's worst Bass in them.
If they go up Knebworth's fucked.
Bill we're all doomed I tell you, doomed.
As for that fucking G Fawkes well what can you say, he's hardly a barrelful of laughs is he? I'd give him one of my Aunt Fanny's smack up the jaxy but I'm too polite. Sufficient to say we know who he is and we know where he lives, I'll set the very old Bill on him that'll be worse than a Neanderthal toothache.
Speaking of which I hear Mark's recovered from his strenuous outing on the line. Well walk it brother and I'll see you in a while.
Hello John hope Colorado is to your liking and you're getting the odd five minutes on the slopes. Enjoy! I hear you've been selected for Sunday's game against The Old Groaners should be a good one. Don't suppose you'll make it. Again!
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