A reasonable result, tight at the back passage and busty up front but we still scored. Missed a few mind, a penchant for the pretty, over passing and good chances surprisingly missed? They had a bit of energy but were effectively dealt with (a kin see wye they play vets footbaal their lair o youngins, naebody their oun age wid give thim a gyem. Tek awa their bit o runnin and thi heavy breathin n thir emasculated. Fackin yapless).
Matt scored put through by a sumptious Bully through ball. Everyone contributed and kept going to the end, in John B's and AN Other's case that consisted of leaving the Station Hotel by 6.30, having imbibed a few with us merry band of few at 3 Horse Shoes on way yem. John is disciplined and dropped for this week, the early pub beckons.
(Didn't the other bonny lads dae well? Beaten 3-1 by a bunch of forriners, coming ower here and tekkin wi jobs an wi wimmin, what's things comin tae. Did a see them? Hadaway ti hell, thi buggers didnt come to see me when a wiz sick. Ah the glory days of 1969 are still fresh in me mind - we won the Inter City (ounly us in it?) nah Inter Cities Fairs Cup- ah was at the second leg at St James'- a think? nah a tell a lie a was, a was there with a bonny Geordie lass caaled Ann Hope. Moncur was captain- he was hopeless a thought, wot does anyone else think?)
Next week Therfield away, fairish team, friendly, good pub for grub afterwards.
Di yi think Friday's bondage session went aal reet? A bit disappointing a thoght cos the ounly whip a saw was the one I was carrying all neet in a pormanent vigil at the bar. A good turnout- next one is a Knebworth treasure hunt, "find a pub." December date to be announced.
Lash Larue
PS we cares who friggin scored for Goldnobs!
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Ah Ron me boy, The Toon are never likely to win a friggin thing again in your lifetime..........alas. Perhaps Wenger will take pity when he has finished at the arse! They should have stuck with old sir Bobby......no way to tread a wise old man. Freddie Sheppard may god strike you dead!!
I want 90 minutes on sunday
Do we have a Geordie translator on the team?
do you need me on sunday?
Are Goldnobs as good as Hobnobs? A nice biscuit but you can't beat a garibaldi can you? I mean, a fig roll runs them close and they also have a medicinal purpose and you can't knock the floral design of the custard cream but a garibaldi. Smashing! Hold their own when it comes to dunking too, not like a softie rich tea!
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