Faraway Sir Ronald

It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?

Goodbye Sir Ronald

Goodbye Sir Ronald
Quack quack

Monday 9 March 2015

Knobs 1 Sandridge Rovers 0

This had 0-0 written all over it but somehow we came out smiling with a 1-0 victory against a very willing opposition.  Call it good fortune but Dave would suggest it was inspired management that won the game and we’ll come back to that later.

The game took a while to get going, as Dave said, we were living in fear of a bobble and therefore we were rushing our play but having said that, they harassed us well and Darren pointed out at half time that we didn’t harass them enough.  Thankfully though they didn’t possess much threat up front and when they did, it was soon snuffed out by James and Richard.  I remember them having a break away from our corner but to be honest, I can’t remember Jake having to make a save all match but maybe I’m wrong.  Our biggest threat seemed to be the long ball over the top to Jono or in-swinging corners and free kicks from Bully but even then, we didn’t really threaten and we hardly tested their keeper.

In the second half other than the effort and closing down not much improved even though a couple of changes had been made.  There is no doubt the pitch did make it difficult to play.  Then Dave had an inspiration, he knew the only way the game could be saved was by bringing on his choo-choo train alongside Dave M and Gavin.  By that stage we had an ultra-attacking line-up but still little threat barring some long shots by Paul.  He had earlier been called a ‘doughnut’ by his 6 year old son in the changing room, which was harsh but when he came on, he gave his normal physically robust performance and always looks classy.  Anyway, those substitutions finally led to a goal after we had built up some pressure.  After knocking the ball about a bit, James found himself on the wing and curled in a beautiful cross that Gavin superbly anticipated, to set up his quizmaster partner Darren to smash home his volley from 5 yards.  He was clearly delighted because the celebration was of pure joy…as if a goal was totally unexpected.

I think we had a couple more chances but nothing too noticeable and they never looked like scoring even when there was a bit of pressure put on at the end.

Well done to everyone involved in what was a tight if forgettable match where we came out on top.  In the pub afterwards, the team enjoyed ’50 shades of beige’ (as shared with @KNOBSFC) and plenty of banter no doubt. 

Starting XI – Jake, Tony K, Richard, James, Chris Cox, Gavin, Darren, Bully, Martyn, Dave M and Jono. Subs: Paul, Banksy and Dave J.


I was there said...

A bit disappointed Dave Millhouse didn't go to the pub after the game. He promised me he would.

One of the crowd said...

The game was going no where till the triple substitution. We showed more intent and presence after that.

Anonymous said...

I walked past the pub at 11.15pm on Sunday and noticed Dave Millhouse sweeping up after last orders, landlord told him last to arrive at the pub sweeps up apparently.

Anonymous said...

Lorra harrassing going on. Try keeping the ball, Slow, slow, slower, slow, slow score.

Anonymous said...

Its been a week and no one has wrote a post. Wake up you mother fuckers! The world is ending soon and you lazy cunts cant be bothered to write a post. You could be dead before the weekends finished. On a good note the yids lost.

Love said...

who wants to be associated with a racist blog, you blank brain?
How is Knebworth, busy?

dead man limping said...

I hear dave is approaching a certain age!
It wont bother him, dead man walking, love him.