Faraway Sir Ronald

It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?

Goodbye Sir Ronald

Goodbye Sir Ronald
Quack quack

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Harpenden Rovers 1 Knobs 2

We didn't need the cover blog though it was thought it was worth a posting as a current indication of management strategic thinking under the influence of Bonkers Conkers.
Jihn got the weather perfectly correct- misty morning giving way to unbroken sunshine.
In a very real sense many aspects of Blog 1 were realised in reality. The deadwood, has-beens and never-will-bes more than adequately covered for the wholesale absences of their more illustrious chums, la creme de la club. Against a younger Harpenden side, champions of the past two seasons we imposed defeat upon them on their own patch.
WELL DONE! Togetherness conquers all, well it fucking helps.
For the record, today's personnel has been calculated as the oldest vets side put out by Knebworth since records began (when was that ?). The players had an aggregate age of 612 years which neatly takes us back to 1399 and the usurpation of Richard 11's throne by Henry Bolingbroke- fond memories! Twelve chaps contributed constituting an average age of 51- you super vets yous.
For the record, in case never repeated, the roll of honour is as follows.
Ron 65, Bill 55, Jihn Twigg 55, Chris Cox 55, Paul Crosby 54, Chris G 54, Brendan 51, Phil Wells 50, Dave 46, Alistair 45, John Boyle 44 and Gavin 38.
The formation was 1-4-5-1.
Paul was keeper, Gavin was forward line. From the off the performance of each and every player saw to it that the midfield area was energetically congested and vigorously contested. More to the point until very near to the end (they scored their goal in the final minute) the positional discipline and the energetic commitment was sustained- no 10 minute wonder and all fall down dead. This was truly impressive in terms of context and personnel. I heartily mean that. Instead of talking the talk we actually emphatically walked the walk! Many of us have seen better days and certainly better days have seen us looking and playing better but hey if that's a last hurrah for some then so be it. We've reached the summit and the view was lovely. Such a performance , effort and commitment will take some replicating, but the inspiration has been provided, others will now need to meet the challenge.
Every one gets 10 out of 10 but the performance of Gavin needs extra mention in the dispatches. He had a terrific game, supported from behind by an impenetrable wall of yellow.
An early break saw us go close from midfielder Chris Griffiths' shot until we deservedly took the lead from a searching pass from fullback Bill found Gavin against an advancing keeper. Gav took his chance early and slotted home. He did the flat on the back Charlie George routine in celebration in the absence of a dentist's chair.
We lost Chris Cox from the midfield after 25 minutes only to be replaced by the controversial linesman, the more than incapable Ron. I was hoping for a quiet morning on the line, nursing stitched leg and cracked ribs but duty called. First time I had ever felt in danger of being sent off as a linesman so just as well I came on! Half time 1-0.
Second half much the same and we had several promising attacks, free kicks and corners where our luck wasn't in. Paul was relatively untroubled till the last 10 minutes. Gavin's surges were causing a mass outbreak of brickshitting in the Harpenden defence. On several occasions he was mown down, once deep in the penalty area. Up stepped Bill to emphatically double the lead from the spot. Another attack saw midfielder Dave lob toward an unprotected goal from 40 yards only to see ball bounce on a bone hard surface and tantalisingly scrape over the cross bar. Mention of John Boyle's midfield heroics should include one huge, courageous tackle near the end which left those around in no doubt that here they were in the middle of a real game. Alistair and Brendan had excellent games at the back against their usually potent strike force. Yet everyone contributed, The Bill- Jihn combination on the left made their mark particularly in the crucial first half . It was lovely to have grumbling Phil Wells back after a two year absence from the game at right back and a three in the centre of midfield proved tireless and immovable.
Their centre half's toe-poked cross, in the final minute, drifted into the top corner but it was much too late for them by then.
A tough, sporting contest, thank you one and all. A refreshment in their clubhouse then a triumphant return to the Station (empty), where glee, mirth and self satisfaction (not smugness) knew no bounds.
One could get accustomed to wearing a shinpad.


golden oldie said...

Photographs John please! Of the record breakers.

gobsmaked said...

what do we believe?

Anonymous said...

One of my favourite football games...ever!

Young Knob said...

Brilliant game and shows what can be achieved with togetherness, playing for each other and encouragement. Best game I've been involved in for many a year.
Gavin was fantastic playing on his own up front.

Harpenden Heroes said...

Bill said Dave was worth 11 out of 10. I want to mention that Paul had a superb game.He was helped by a terrific back 4, but was so commanding in his presence. I was impressed with his punching of the ball and time wasting once collecting it. Well done mate.

YES YES said...

I don't anticipate many comments this week. Cos theres only nice things to say. Love you all. Will we be having an annual Harpenden Heroes Memorial Day each October 16th?
I think so.

Still elated said...

What a game, heroes all!

Anonymous said...

Two pairs of boots for sale, hardly used outside of the centre circle. Please apply to S Bull, genuine reason for sale

Anonymous 2 said...

Who would buy two pairs of lead boots??

Tony said...

Only 29 degrees today. Well done on a very good win, time to start climbing the table

S Baulk said...

Dont make me angry. You wont like me when im angry!!

Anonymous said...

Dont lets lose Bully he has points- a few, agree?
Dont ask me to specify- all for one and one for all or something.

forgotten knob said...

sounds like the club has turned the corner

i am available sunday

Anthony Steven said...

Me and Steve are available for Sundays game. If you need us.

Anonymous said...

Bully should play in the position that Chris G played this weekend.

Anonymous who knows his stuff said...

Chris G should play where chris G played last week.

Anonymous said...

all the young players should be fucked off, old is the future, watch us go again Sunday, we are unbeatable. We will win again! Go knobs go.

Anonymous said...

Chris G must play that role in midfield, he was more mobile

Debbie12 said...

No more talk of players leaving, as a team we will now move forward and we need all the players we have got

Anonymous said...

Well done chaps!!!!!

Stuffed them wallies!!!

rodins thinker said...

Steve could play in any of the central midfield 3- whether he could be effective and disciplined doing one of these 3 roles I sincerely doubt. His is a more finessed role in any football team.

Club Foot said...

Alistair 45!! No way.

Dear Rodins Thinker said...

Your right Steve can play in the middle 3, but not as a five man midfield. To use him effectively you would sit him between midfield and defence if playing defensive formation and infront of midfiled and forwad if playing attacking formation.

Peter said...

Go to bed boys you did well.

Anonymous said...

Night, night. Sweet dreams.

Credits due said...

No mention of the managements formation and tactics. "We may not win,but we should'nt lose" I think was the comment. Well done Dave and Jihn.

Credits due said...

No mention of the managements formation and tactics. "We may not win,but we should'nt lose" I think was the comment. Well done Dave and Jihn.

Ron said...

Breathing space and therefore objective assessment.
Before the Harpenden game there was gloom. Some feared the worst, "I'm not gonna play in an embarrassing slaughter". To some it's only another game on the road to the grave, thank the Lord!
A group was gathered more from omission than commission.We were struggling- sort of.
Thursday in the pub led to some levity- Bill was possibly available.
Friday's anniversary dinner proved a bonding point- our table alone contained 6 to be Harpenden Heroes!
(Thank you Bill for all the evening's arrangements, and Sharon no doubt and John Boyle.)
Sunday the game.
1) We will be slaughtered but we will turn up and try. (In my case with a stitched up leg and a cracked rib I was on a hiding to nothing- and that was from Maggie- but hey you only live once)
2) We will turn up and adopt a strategy to minimise the damage, try our best with who is available and keep the score down- then have a convivial pint.
3) We turn up , with a strategy, stick to a plan and make the game competitive.
4) We stick to our plan and actually win!
5) We win well outplaying Harpenden
- impossible !

All these points came into play and, actually number 5 prevailed! Incredible. It might never happen again.
A goalie, a back four, a midfield 5 and a front 1. This was essentially strategy 2.
It grooved into strategy 3 on the day. Then 4 and 5- again impossible but it happened. Fair dos lads. No nagging, no fits of pique, no slagging off and ,hey, this looking after your own game and position seems to be a clever idea- who invented it?
Not only that but they couldn't cope with it! It was adhered to throughout and a win ensued.
But not only that but you must admit strategy 5 occurred- we won well- they argued among themselves throughout the second half as we stuck to our plan and denied them any space to play- albeit on the half way line and in our half. Even when they ventured into our penalty area we had bodies floating round which were at the very least getting in the way to deny them any composure.
So there you have it. It might never happen again but it happened on Sunday October 16th at Harpenden.
Can we swallow egos and past personal glories to do such a thing again? I don't know, but it can be done. Subjugating your own personal history to the team and situation that presents itself in the next game.

Ron said...

Problem (s).
We can only approach things with the personnel we have availble, week to week.
On Sunday we were lucky that Gavin was available, dragging himself from a long term injury that might prove his final hurrah! If we were without him, then barring Andy, who is not available for many weeks, there would have been noone in the club physically equipped to play the lone man up front role to any real effect. In that case we would be relying on Strategy 2, hopefully perhaps 3, reducing damage with our numbers behind the ball making ourselves hard to beat and definitely hard to slaughter. If whoever drew the short straw up front without the necessary pace we'd have been pleading for a break!
We won well on Sunday. We defended well, we obliterated any midfield possession the opposition sought and we destroyed them on the break. Only croaking John Boyle had the energy and grit (perhaps youth- but that's diminishing) to support Gavin's sallies forth, especially second half. The rest of us held our positions- I actually deigned to go up for free kicks and corners.
Even late in the game, against obviously younger opponents, if we had a failing it was falling back too deep (tiredness and ultra caution were setting in) with the midfield in danger of creating a back 9 but there was the advantage that we had 9 + Paul behind the ball. When the ball approached our area they never had the luxury of having any composure. We were there!
Were we therefore lucky on the day of having a disciplined team ethic + Gavin?
I don't think so.
Not quite lucky, after all Gavin has had some shite games in the past- but Sunday saw him free as a bird and he flourished. We were lucky we had such a player with individuality, know how and speed. Without such a player might prove a drawback in the future in this system. Gavin was strategy 4 then 5.
To conclude, I think most of us approached the game in a damage limitation frame of mind both on the day and in the days leading up. In the future personnel will change but two things should never change. Players should play with the intelligence, energy and enthusiasm of Sunday whoever plays. Also concentrate on your own little task without descending both before, during and after the game to negatively belittling your teamates of the day.
Knobs is a village team after all.Those who play want to play a game of football in their dotage- they know their best is behind them. Have opinions by all means but don't get too nasty.
Sunday shows egg on your face might be the order of the day.

Dear Ron said...

Still no mention of the managements formation and tactics. "We may not win,but we should'nt lose" I think was the comment. Well done Dave and Jihn.

Baz said...

The thing I don't get, can someone remind me, didn't we go 14 games unbeaten with a lot of the players who were not there Sunday, how does that work?

Dear Baz said...

The reason why that is. Is because theres too much bitching and moaning amongst some of the team. Which dos'nt help with morale

statto said...

Longest unbeaten run in the last 5 years is 11 games in season 2007/2008.

fulsome praise where its due said...

Well done the management team! I wouldn't have gone with the personnel in those actual positions and no doubt others had their own preferred positional arrangements. It was Dave's arrangement, he is the manager and thanks to players' adherence to the system and trying hard it worked. Well done Dave the Manager!
Yes we've done well in the past but that was then. This season is now and you can't argue with how we've played so far and the outcomes. Then Sunday a remarquable turn around. Was it an aberration?

Dear baz baz said...

Glad you cleared that up, lol

Anonymous said...

WTF? A LOL appears on a KNOBS blog. We've been infiltrated by the yoof. Anyway, in the past when we've gone on a little run of not losing, the personnel didn't necessarily matter. What mattered was confidence and that fed into positivity. I know we were not that confident on Sunday but we were pretty positive and determined. What's nice is playing with some really nice, decent people. My heart used to sink playing footie on Sunday mornings but I genuinely enjoy playing for the KNOBS and long may it continue. Three cheers for the beer. Hail to the ale. And a glass of wine for the ladies!! Hip, hip, hooray!

Anonymous said...

Brendan played quietly well.
Please note.

Gazza said...

can i play i'm not bitchy or nasty- dont suffer from a superioritty complex

Gazza said...

can i play i'm not bitchy or nasty- dont suffer from a superioritty complex

Gazza said...

yer all cunts and probably hopeless.
Im so good I'm frightened to look at myself. Dont suppose I can play over therfield.
I'd fit in smashing you losers

forgotten knob said...

i am available sunday

Anonymous said...

cut the cackle and burn the biscuits.

cider boy said...

fucking wankers think your good now with 1 result. dickheads.

Dave said...

I love Steve, he is in for Sunday. Fuck the rest of you old twats, all you do is moan.

Busty Betty said...

Is nice Steve Bull fit?
Then I'll have him.

busty betty said...

he is so fit- gimmee some now!

Anonymous said...

wheres the fucking latest blog you cunts?

Drunken anonymous said...

where's the latest cunt you blogs?