Roundly beaten in the end after a close first half which ended 0-0. Why? Who the fuck knows, everyone has their opinion and none of them are likely to remotely agree. Enjoyable? To a degree. It's a game of organised football an d we weren't disgraced. Everyone got a full game with only 11 of the signed on wannabees available and travelling to distant Cockfosters.
Once again we played 4 at the back, 5 across the middle and one up front. In the first half without looking in any way dangerous on the attack we were nevertheless compact and competent, people keeping their designated positions and trying hard. They were dangerous on three or four occasions but we escaped unscathed.
We never looked like solving the poser of who from the ranked masses in the rear was ever going to get up to support lone front man Chris Cox and then be able to get back to their allocated position behind the ball to suffocate the Minchy attacks. Fitness, age (therefore fitness), willpower were probably factors. There was no plan B for this contingency hence we were hardly an attacking force. Against Harpenden we had Gavin shouldering the attacking responsibilities with verve, last week, seemingly, we were just too good and fitter than the opposition (according to some well placed sources who played in both games) but today we might have sneaked a narrow win or nabbed a goalless draw at best.
The first move of the second half led to their opener when they smoothly staggered toward our area before finding their powerful centre forward who thrashed an unstoppable shot into the top corner. Shortly afterwards we lost a crucial part of the midfield when Darren A was reduced to hobbling having sustained a knee injury. With 10 it might have been considered a somewhat uphill struggle. It was! It was thereafter a struggle we never came to terms with and though we nearly equalised with our own special from Bill, we soon lost composure and cohesion and were fortunate not to concede more than one more goal- an own goal off the top of Ali's head that Paul could do little with without a ladder or a bat.
The young referee was good and very fair. They lost a couple of blokes to nasty injuries but fortunately they had subs. The defender who collided with his own bloke in the first half returned from hospital with his face grossly swollen (broken cheekbone)and is to be operated on on Thursday! True! Poor bugger- but our best wishes to him. Which of our players would you least like to collide with and why?
Food and clubhouse very acceptable. Everyone had a drink.
For the record the team was Paul
Jihn T, Darren H, Alistair, Bill,
Tony, Darren A, Steve, Chris G, Ron,
Chris C
Gavin and possibly Andy might be welcome additions back to the fold next week. Different game, horses for courses. Good luck!
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
P 6 JT 3 Alizder 3 Darren 6 Bill 4
Darren 5 Steve 6 ron 6 tony 4 chris c 7 cris g 5
P 6 JT 3 Angus 3 Darren 6 Bill 4
Darren 5 Steve 6 ron 6 tony 4 chris c 7 cris g 5 dave 10
whoever keeps giving scores out of ten is a penis.
i do, whats the problem?
what about out of 20?
or a million or
Can't leave you for 90 minutes! Wev'e now lost momentum a chance of 2 consecutive clean sheets and no doubt morale has gone down again. There will be changes next week. Also i would not like to collide with Kenny on the pitch, iv'e heard he's the size of a bloated Mr Blobby since his holiday.
Available next week Gavin, Monsieur Boyle and Andy now you're talking.
Don't go near the smouldering one especially near Bonfire night.
Enfield council have been on the phone, they are saying that a Mr Bull spent so much time in one spot that they want council tax from him!
Great goal by Agnus or whatever his name is
Lets hope the management have a little back bone when selecting this weeks team. An easy home game and people who promise not to stamp on Gavin, Andy and My Boyles toes. should they really be automatic choices? why is it always the same people who fulfill the difficult long away trips?
Arsenal fan Bully has a ring through his nose- easily led but doesn't stray far.
The team effort was amazing Sunday, we lost but tried hard, you can't count for the centre back nodding the ball in his own net and our lack of chances up front. The same 11 should start again, it's not like Dave is going to strengthen us is it!
Can't see how Dave can get back in, gives him a chance to run the from the line
was the missing word
Fucking computer!
Looking at passes completed to your own players would be an interesting stat for last sunday- you might be surprised at the best and even more so at the worst in your side. You are correct in stating you were well beaten in the end.
Looks like dave had a good game again according to the marks. Same team next week i say.
Thanks for that niches statto
That fat bloke in the centre and the grey old fucker on the wing 'think his name was Don' made it easy for us
Ill be playing every week im the manager. Got the true assesment of how you all played earlier none of you fuckers r in the team next week. At the moment its me j boyle richard and gavin and may be the 2 new lads that darren knows.
The team Sunday sweat blood for the cause, don't disrespect the players who were there, you weren't
Ooh Someones tired
We were all shit and none of us deserve another chance
Andy, Gavin and John Boyle are shit. Especially John.
yeah and they dont deserve to just walk back into the team. take note dave you turd head.
Can the comments not return to some form of basic mentality with just a modicum of humour you cunts!
Down with Trussells!
I no longer want to be a Harpenden Hero- I deny it. It was only a game against some other has beens, mind it were a good aftermath, but we need to move on.
It caused too much jealousy- pathetic aren't we?
Harpenden heroes my hairy butthole
Time to move on and look forward to the ware wallies
Ho ho
Lets bring this back to normality. I had been worried that I had not found any bargains for you this week. Luckily today I found a cracking deal.
Asda are doing the Birds Eye family steak pie for only a quid. They normally sell these for £2.48. That is a great deal and you can have that one on me.
I dont like any of you anymore youre all really horrible. And not really funny- ah so- you arseholes.
I'm just going to finish painting my astrological star chart, goodnight.
Team selected for Sunday,but im not telling you lot till Thursday. Theres going to be some changes!!
What in the formation? We are not the Fucking Red Arrows David!!!!
Is David the new "Tinker Man" Cunt!
Don't ever call me David or i'll fucking kill you! You can call me Anthony or Steven though.
dear David you wanker tell us the team and formation or Anthony Steven will kill you.
Ha Ha Ha Dave you have too much time on your hands
You need to get it right this weekend David, show your not a flash in the pan
Half price toys at Sainsburys.
Don't forget you are the eyes and ears of your fellow team mates. If we stick together and play like we did at Therfield i can see a 4/5 nil win. Who wants to go in goal?
i am available sunday
Knobs v Ware this week possibly 2-0 home win. No doubt there'll be a full availability, I wont e there apparently.
Eyes and ears/ Sounds like Nazi Germany, come to think of it...
Never used to be like this, spies and grasses.
This blog has gone down hill, big time
can i play-am good ringer i mean winger.
Like this blog. We should lose more often.
1. It might have been better, for future harmony, if we'd cancelled the Harpenden game in retrospect. Thus avoiding the Harpenden - Therfield rivalry that has emerged. Both games were wins - good, enough said get on with the season.
The personnel for both games were considerably different as, I would moot, were the qualities of the opposition. How can meaningful comparisons be made? The Minchy game had a different personnel again but, as warned earlier, the inflexibility of the tactics proved unsuitable, not to mention the player positioning. But hey we all have our opinions. The 4-5-1 against Harpenden was admittedly chosen as a damage limitation exercise. It worked, rather too well- we actually won and did so handsomely.
Probably a one off for that team and on that day. Can't speak for the Therfield game, same tactics and a 2-0 win, I wasn't there. But beware of sticking to such a format rigidly, often it will be unnecessary. Perhaps Sunday home to Ware will be a case in point, where, if we have a strong side out, we should comfortably win with a 4-4-2 or a 4-4-3.
2. Personnel - we have 24 players signed up not including Barney (who he?), Runni, Matt and Simon.
There is Stuart, the goalie v Therfield, in the offing. There are some players, Martin, Phil, Vinnie and Gary who are far from regular and unfortunately Gavin joins that group due to his knee concerns and in the near future the triathlon focussed Trevor is a doubt.
Richard has been injured, long term, and perhaps Darren A may now join him, hope not.
This leaves 16 players to 'choose'
from including Mark Mills (injured or gone missing), Bill, Ron, John T, Brendan, Paul and Chris G -the club's age policy commitment and longstanding members. The rest are the young bucks, always going to be picked IF available.
Will this arrangement prove satisfactory to competitively fulfil the remaining 25 games of the season?
Or do we need new players?
Remember new and/or better players might result, in fact will result in some players already signed up getting the short straw in future selection.
This matter needs urgently airing at a Committe meeting. This should end the misunderstandings presently surrounding the club. Our rationale should once again be clearly stated so everyone knows the score. Should we be recruiting now, because it seems we are? Not until our rationale has been discussed in fairness to everyone and inkeeping with our CONSTITUTION! We do have a committee, then use it.
Committees are elected at AGMs
By the way who are all these ANONYMOUSES commenting hereabouts?
Sign up a whole new team and leave me alone I say, nearly Xmas and much drinking to do.
On another point we rarely beat Ware at homw whatever team is out, last home win was in December 07!
Yes...we do struggle against Ware at home. As for new need. Sunday football is for fun isn't it? And I agree with Sir's all about horses for courses. Look at the personnel then choose the best formation/positions and so on. Flexibility is the key!!!
50 comments on the blog. Club record?
Sunday football is for fun? Trying to play football on shit pitches with old miserable fat fuckers trying to kick you, might be fun to Dave but I prefer a warm cosy pub and a nice cold beer.
And no 50 is no way near the record, in the good old days of May 09 there were 79 and 82 back in the great old days of Oct 07!
Team out today and the formation will definately 443! Wasn't 443 a war time air squadron?
when is your committee meeting- can I cum? like a debate.
when is your committee meeting- can I cum? like a debate.
October 07 - glory days! That's when Sunday mornings were my own.
New survey- is John Boyle an 11 a side man or merely a shit hot 5 a sider?
Vote or comment now.
Not sure but had a hot shit after a vindaloo!
John Boyle- a legend in his own drinking time. I'll have what he's having.
Does Alistair Bigfoot need one transplant or two?
Met a bloke in the Station last night, One Legged Jimmy, do you know him? says he was a great player before the Somme. Would like to catch up for lost time. Can he join? loved his Bonker Conkers!
New Fucking Record You Cunts! Now shut the fuck up!
dear Roy, have you been on the juice?
Met a new player in Lytton last night, two legs, two arms but no brain and anti social. Any good?
Can I be Knobs recruitment officer?
You might as well be the new recruits weve had have been shit. Sack the recruitmant officer.
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