A balmy morning- nay a barmy morning. I didn't want to do it, but I did.
John and I + Tommy set off to Therfield cross country- the scenic route. I pictured Therfield just beyond Walkern, but approaching it realised I was picturing Weston. Oh well Therfield is somewhere around here, over to the left somewhere. No map, no sat-nav just instinct, helped by the solar position on this glorious morning and we proceeded. Round in a huge, magnificient circle, Clothall, Cottered, Throcking (redundant church), Buntingford, Sandon then Therfield. many phonecalls- where the fuck are you? In my head, it's great in here! Taught Tommy about the validity of the white lie- the tyre went and you and I had to change it with the magic wand. We arrived. Sorry! Alistair wondered why we didna give the kit to someone else. Well there's hindsight for you, if we knew we would take so long we would have- please drop it sorry!
I felt bad. John and I became subs anyway, the practical punishment, well at least for John, yet it wasn't his fault. John was in high spirits, he normally is, it's a great day.
The match commenced with a heavy dew on the surface which slowed ground passes appreciably. Yet we didn't cotton on. How many flicks and fanny passes went astray for the first hour. Those who are guilty know!
Minutes into the game their full back lurched forward, only to collide with an invisible blanket of dark matter which propelled him off his feet- fuck me how I laughed, had to stuff the flag doon me gullet, nae guid, a shat meslf instead. Surreal. This is gonna be some game.
No disrepect to Therfield, they can beat us IF WE LET THEM, but this was a game where if we played properly we'd slaughter them or if came down to their level of athleticism and know how we would achieve a result too close to call. The latter obtained. Players look at an opposition, start doing individual, personal things and before you can say mine's a pint of shite, find themselves struggling to do owt right. Hey a wiz just watching, that's worra saw in that's worra think. Object if you will!
Teamwork gans oot thi winda as people start ti express themselves individually.
This will probably be the worst opposition we face all season, and we won, despite local factors and whinges, 2-1. Last week against Saints, a hugely different proposition, we nearly battered them! Moral? Return game let's play together, play to our strengths and give them a lesson. Winning yesterday was a pyrrhic victory.
The game. The ref was crap, but he was a canny lad.
We hit woodwork or was that aluminium?
They never threatened in the first half, except from a couple of nicely flighted corners, we dealt with competently. How's your head Dave?
We took the lead when Dave made a run and glanced a neat header into the corner- it must have been a Bully cross ? Was it?
Second half they brought on the infant messiah. I'd already emphasised that Therfield are a village team NOT a vets team. In this context we should never bleat about age. But boys will be boys and a certain amount of niggle set in around this precocious youth. I actually liked him cos he knew I used to be a teacher- before becoming a geriatric paper boy and kept calling me Sir. As it happened our youngest vet Chris Wilson was more than his master. An altercation, which I only partly perceived, in Arsene fashion, saw John and the referee practising F-words at each other from 5 paces. Fuck off- no you fuck off- no you fucking fuck off, fucking hell geroff. John was taken off for the safety of Tommy's upbringing. A second goal came after an incredible ping pong session in their six yard box was ended by Gerry lashing home emphatically. 2-0. We were comfortably playing out the game when we gave them one. Well we gave them the ball and dared them to score one. They did.
We never felt or looked like losing but 2-1's a funny old score line Saint!
The showers were freezing. The pub was fine, the St Edmunds Ale was great, why can't the Station get that- it's Green King and we all went yem for Sunday lunch- mine were toast and marmalade- eeh the high life.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
It was a Free Kick from Bully not a cross. (quality delivery as normal)
A free kick from Bully is often a cross, nothing contradictory. trouble is the crosses are often spot on but the anticipation or efforts of others to read the spce offered is often poor
FUCKING NORTHERNERS! Can someone translate the match report.
We were Shit... I Blame that Dave bloke.
Cant work it out, Is Ron Slagging Bully off? He wont like that. I blame Dave too.
I agree the blokes a cunt. Chuck him out the team. While your at it tell all the Yids in the team their losing 1 nil to Milan Ha Ha
Sorry that was last weeks comment.
Get off Daves back ! The whole set up of the club would be worse off without him.Lets have a be positive about Dave week. Another great goal Dave, well done!
If a chap reverts to the vernacular please tolerate- it's the excitement. Dribble, dribble drool.
That Dave has the makings of a helluva chef!
dont forget to check your cocks on Saturday night !
sorry, clocks
my clock doesnt work, will I be late? does it matter?
possibly not.
struggling for replies this week
waiting on Andy, Alistair, gerry, Trevor else I turn to L'Ancien Regime.
If you are under 35 prefarably under 30 then the Mid Herts Vets League could be the place for you to exhibit your skills and other things.
You see we all age quickly these days, kids shagging at 7 or 8 so why not nibble a vet or two at 22. Several sides think this is OK.
Is they paedophiles I wonder?
Whats your team for Sunday? is the bloke that makes the train noises an constantly fouls people playing?
he will be playing so get practicing penalties and free kicks on the edge of the box.
Harmen said he'd let you know that I could play. Sunday that is, not football! Anyway I've replied to Ron. Andy
Don't buy Samsonite cases and bags- they use them to promote bullfighting- the cunts!
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