Faraway Sir Ronald

It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?

Goodbye Sir Ronald

Goodbye Sir Ronald
Quack quack

Monday, 19 April 2010

Walkern 2 knobs 2

Air flights interfere with a Vets football game- Mike and Phil affected.
I return from me paper rounds to find we are down to 8!!!! Oh bugger! An hour on the phone got us up to 9. Arrival at the school,Thomas Alleyne , saw us in great heart, Gavin was going to slipploacte them. So good so far. They gave us two, which made a contest but took the edge off the game! Especially since Pat was terrific , aged 61, and probably, solid man of the match. Also they gave us the wonderful Butch who played so cannily at the back it made me think that we have a lovely formation for future games. Sign him on. Chris G would love to play with Butch every week.
First half they never threatened- with their playing from the back, slow and ponderous. being negated by our youthful exuberance, intercepting and foraging by such as Gavin and new boy Andy.We didn't, unfortunately, punch our weight. A nice finish from Gavin, amidst several other misses by us, was equalised by a mistake ( mine I believe), 1-1 half time.
Second half we went ahead from a neat move finished by Andy, eat your heart out Mike Lisle, and me. An occasional sporadic move forward saw them equalise from a distance shot- me back was fucked from the off, but subsequent pressure saw me stop goal attempts in apathetic geriatric ways- Am, finished you fuckers- someone else take turn in goal next time.
Dave was involved in boh forward movements tghat led to our goals- let it be recorded.
A sunny drink in the Dun Cow garden followed. Twiggy turned up with his cold, having deigned to play, and everything was honky tonky- I think.
Dave was instrumental in the start of both moves that led to our goals by the way. Also John Boyle hit the post with a rocket.
We simply aren't scoring enough at this level.


forgotten knob said...

Give me a chanced, i know where the onion bag is!

Dear Forgotten Knob said...

Do you know where your ball bag is? You have more chance playing that than 90 minutes in the side.

Andrew Cole said...

I still say we were cheated out of a third, let alone the obvious penalty. One day it will all click. Lovely sausages by the way. Nice to see Twiggy turn up and sink the most pints alongside Ron. His words of '...get me something medicinal Ron, I'll have a Guinness' were a joy to hear. He should work for NHS Direct. That's the way to see off sneezes and diseases!

Andrew Cole said...

I still say we were cheated out of a third, let alone the obvious penalty. One day it will all click. Lovely sausages by the way. Nice to see Twiggy turn up and sink the most pints alongside Ron. His words of '...get me something medicinal Ron, I'll have a Guinness' were a joy to hear. He should work for NHS Direct. That's the way to see off sneezes and diseases!

Anonymous said...

Quote of the day-:
Ron, "i have school boy's wrist"

Absolute classic

school boy's wrist said...

The keeper was like a fossilised turd

Debbie7 said...

Dear All,
There has been another burglary in Knebworth (london rd)The couple who have been robbed are still on their honeymoon and stuck in the US. All 3 of their cars have been taken and the house including the wedding presents have been ransacked. By all accounts the house is a complete mess. Please be as vigual as possible.

borstal boy said...

stop grassin me up- anyway a have an alibye- alibie- allibi- aldibubuy- anyway someone who knows I wasnt there

cider boy said...

i never did it

Sir Sir Ronald said...

Paper boy's wrist - please.
Hey i was fucking terrible, confidence shot, mind you it comes from you lot at present- I was petrified of making a mistake- ah well me back's buggered and me thumb's bust so anyoune for the green jacket next week?

forgotten knob said...

i can play between the sticks if needed

Gordon said...

Vote labour or we're economically, thus socially fucked for the next ten years.

Anonymous said...

WHY VOTE! all the party's are as bad as one other. The whole electral system is shit. If no one votes then the system will collapse. They can stick my voting card up their arse.

Non-believer said...

Have a go at this and see what they say:


I couldn't believe what it told me to vote.

Anonymous said...

No voting from me this time iv'e lost all faith in these charletans.

Captain Mianwaqring -doomed , fuck off Frasier! said...

Don't vote, don't spoil your paper and you get...... something... then please don't complain.
You approach your councillor or your MP or prospective MP and tell them what you beleive/think. It's called being 'involved'. Obviously not everyone thinks like you do and with a population of teeming billions (worldwide) there are no simplistic answers to man/womans plight but if you don't get involved we're more fucked as a species than I thought we were!

hard life to earn a crust said...

According to http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/election-2010/7541285/How-should-I-vote-in-the-General-Election-2010.html I should vote UKIP or the BNP, oh dear!

pointless voting said...

i might as well vote for the knebworth burglar who surely can't rob me as much as all those fucking vermin low life politicians have

Anonymous said...

Iv'e heard theres going to be a hung parliment. Now theres a thought, hang the fucking lot of them.

No Excuse said...

People who did'nt turn up for last weeks game should be on the bench this week.

never heard anything like it said...

they should be banished from the club the wankers

my old man said...

Follow the band and don't dilly dally on the way!!
They don't write lyrics that anymore.

Cop out said...

Can't play Sunday as im exhausted watching all the news reports about plane delays. Sorry.

forgotten knob said...

i am available sunday

Socrates said...

Before May 6th anyone who is afraid to vote because of inadequate education come and see me and I'll teach you how to spell "X".