Superb, same place, Steve penalty divided the sides, but hey this should have been a 14-1 result for us. Why not? I know the answer but will not divulge. Needlees to say the mantra is " enjoy the game"- oh yes I'd forgotten that. Get beat 9-0 but as long as you enjoy the game. As long as you do something you can think back on in the following week and say- I did my individual thing, I shot, I fouled , I told my mates to 'fuck off', I laughed at the futility of existence then it's OK all is forgiven and wonderful. Probably right in this worrying age. Bon chance to you all.
I think I enjoyed the game overall. Cogito ergo sum.
Negative team talk at half time? Hey lads, Av given up being Mr Marvellous on a football field. But several of you haven't. 0-0 at half time was simply disgraceful, I'm sure you will all agree.?
They, man for man, were nothing compared to us, yet it was 0-0. Why? Luck- yes, their goalie got lucky and saved a few genuinely, fair enough, but really it was due to a lack of playing to our strengths that was the downfall. FUCKING HELL we could have passed them into oblivion on that pitch! But we don't and we didn't. But hey if you enjoy that way of playing cos it fulfils some atavistic desire we did well. Personally I was making the point that we should, please, play together. It's a team game, with some players now individually better than others for whatever reasons. I made the point that when I had the ball near me in the first half I passed accurately to a team mate . I mentioned this in the hope that, yes I'm ancient but please in certain contexts give me a pass and I'll endeavour not to give it away. It was not supposed to be a negative 'team talk' in deed if I was to really manage a team I'd be brutally frank, insist on certain patterns of play and if someone was not joining the arrangement, yank them off. (Difficult when there are only 11 on a particular day). But our team and vets football is subtly different or perhaps not that subtly. As long as you enjoy being on the pitch 0-9 or 9-0 that is the crux it seems. Afterwards have a shower and a few pints.... and I love you Fred or Harry and how's life in the jungle last week?
But, if competing and hopefully winning is the be all and end all then a wholly different aproach and attitude is required. We should have slaughtered them but something went wrong and in the end we beat them by a debatable penalty. Look into your inner recesses old men and wonder why.
It's a team game football, illuminated by the occasional person who rises astronomically above others, but only occasionally. You have to trust the ability and honesty of the players you are playing with. Yesterday we didn't and haven't on other occasions. Hence the result.
I am being too harsh , I know. Oh well, I have enjoyed being involved in my dotage in games of this glorious format, fuck golf, but the magic of togetherness on a football field , maximising the team's strengths and minimising their weaknesses and realising true enjoyment is a difficult enterprise and perhaps beyond any mortal, including Sir Alex and the special one.
Next week we play the league champions, probably, and on players available to us this season I know we are better than them so make yourself available, they'll be looking to defeat us in order to put the icing on their cake.
What a save from Twiggy, now clean sheeting in all games he has donned the green this season. Mind you the super glue on the gloves might have helped.
KNEBWORTH VETS has been going for over 20 years now with personnel who are still playing, Brendan and Bill, those who have left the country, Jack, Karlis and Steve and who have retired into oblivion, Kenny, Kevin, Peter, Peter, Jerry, Chris, Alan Watts, Neil, Big Bob, Mark, Big John, Dave S, Peter T, Stuart, Paul, Peter G, Nigel, Kevin, Mike S and loads of others and the Knobs will go on, doubt ye not. Enjoy, but enjoy realising it's a team game- play to strengths and try to minimise weaknesses. Remember your mates their position, their present abilities, their personalities and whether they'll buy you a pint in times of economic stress. (Vote Labour by the way).
Love you all
Unknown Crennell
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
As Rodney Marsh was wont to say a few players wouldn't mind being yanked off- but only at half time and probably in private.Beats an orange (literally) any day.
Debbie has a fractured elbow. Ouch!
He's my hero!
You won. Why do you always win when I don't play? Still...had a lovely day at Wrest Park seeing George slay the dragon!! Bring on Harpenden and may we be the slayers of them.
Debbie is commitment personified. Hasn't pulled out of a tackle all season. Not playing Sunday then?
What should i do? stay and hope that the dead wood is removed and better players join for next season or leave for a better side who can fulfil my ambitions to win and compete at the highest level? what should i do?
I am available for sunday if i get the call
Dave is coming to give us MORAL SUPPORT.
Hitler is coming to light the gas for dinner.
Just remember that when better players join, you become the dead wood.
I'd fuck off if i was you. If your undecisive now how will you be on the pitch next year.
Alistair Blaney is nearly a vet- it's commitment and love of the game that counts.
Knobs don't pay their players by the way- do they?
I am a knebworth resident and hope to be involved next season
Poor Old Dave...
Can will still blame Dave?
In what... burglary?
I have thick skin, broad shoulders, one elbow and no brain. Sure you can still blame me.
I blame everyone and noone baby, that's where we're at.........
The election.
Huge debt- Ok.
We either reduce it essentially in one of two ways.
Tories and Libs the first and Labour the second.
The subsidiary - when?
Tories, straight away on being elected and smash any recovery ? Labour gently does it, the economy is still fragile. But even so tax increases are inevitable at some stage, short of a miracle. Herein is the ultimate choice- personalities of politicians should not come into it, it's policies. Even a Hitler would be popular if he brought economic wellbeing!
All parties will increase VAT immediately.
Don't pay it just economise yourselves, ie starve in some cases, well hardly, bread and jam is nutricious and we can all tighten our belts a little.
On the other hand, things have gone too far, we're weak on the luxuries of life- we're doomed, Captain Mainwaring, doomed I say.
Will the Knobs survive , oh ye of little faith?
It's only a game, toleration of each others' frailties OK?
Oh perhaps not, that Dave,,, that Ron... that Steve....etc....
Knobs no more, can it be so? Can they make it through the hardship and into recovery?
Once a knob always a knob, don't let the personalities involved affect your view, hard choices must be made.
Let them squabble that ruinous ron, that devious dave, that bollocking bully, that tosser trussell.
Knebworth Rec forever, keep it warm for Tom and Danny, not long now babes!
Bring on Harpenden. It is clear we are a wounded animal.
defeat it is then
Come on you bigots we'll show them.
On the third time of reading (and a couple of google searches), i now understand your blog. Well said Ron.
Bring on Harpenden.
Bigot? An intolerant person.
Inter Milan- not one Italian- Arsenal hardly ever an Englishman.
Inverness Caledonian seething with non Scots, Lyon, Barcelona, CSKA Moscow all full of people from across the planet- Knobs FC awash with non Hertfordshireans- fuck off back to your own home you northern bastard.
The reality of globalisation and us billions all inhabiting a seemingly ever shrinking space. It makes you want to weep if you knew how! We are all in this survival game together on the fragile urban spaceship.
Vote Cameron then you fools.
He'll purify the land.
That's me gone, mind.
dont seem to have had the email yet, am i involved this sunday? raring to go
Turn up and be unmasked.
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