An afternoon game on a mudheap which steadily became unplayable. A fair result after we were 2-0 up midway through the second half. Nice of Mark to turn up knackered after playing 90 minutes in the morning for Ashwell. I wonder how they got on, Mark couldn't have scored. he would have said so. Still he made a good linesman except, some would say, for overturning the ref's decision of a throw for us from which they broke away and scored!
Anyway chance for the old boy to have 90 minutes., which I enjoyed. Yooz made an ould man very happy- till I got yem it lasted! We started slowly, they hit the bar, then slowly we came to terms with the slurry and created our own chances, one of which was saved point blank range by a very competent keeper from Matt.
First Dave moment had come in the dressing room before the start. Dave recounted his car write off moment when he had shunted up someone's arse at a roundabout. Nothing new there then Dave likes to get tight from behind. (Steve had bashed his car this morning- it was the ice- I know better). Second Dave moment came when he committed an innocuous foul 9rightly given) after which their man chased after him and kicked him from behind. Considering cards had already been brandished I felt a little bit of inconsistency had crept in! The third Dave moment came just before halftime from a corner with Dave clashing heads with their man Tom. Dave emerged cut and Tom bumped. Dave went off and missed a sweet move whuich led to our opener. Ron with space on the edge of the area responded to Phil's INTELLIGENT call and squared to him. His rasping shot put us one up. Dave, the rivers of blood having been staunched- fuck off it were only a scratch- rejoined the fray for the second half.
The second half saw the crowd swell to double figures as both sides swam for their lives. Our second came from a smothered handball in the six yard box. Steve's penalty was well saved but the ball stuck on the goalline and Steve pounced to crash home from an inch. Noone was gonna get in his way for that one. They equalised from a break, thanks Mark! Actually he was right it was their throw but hey don't let him off. Their equaliser from a penalty was dubious if not to say wrong. 'Honest' Chris never touched their surging runner as he collapsed in exhaustion in the area. The referee's retort well I've given you a penalty. So it does work like that. Both sides scrapped to the end with Wilbury territorially on top. Scrapping literally. Their 'hothead' became embroiled with Steve. A tackle, a bit of afters then a flicked mudpie in the face led to a Bull's rage. After throats had been grabbed and pleasantries exchanged the referee enforced a 10 minute sinbin for both players. Steve's ultimate sin being swearing in front of children. I didn't mind, I don't know about the others. Anyway I've often warned Steve about such language! Tee hee! With 15 minutes to go Steve never got back on cos he still had 4 minutes to serve.
15-10= minus 4. Teaching these days. Well done to the young referee he has a long and far from tranquil journey ahead in his chosen hobby.
We adjourned to a quaint old fashioned boozer in Baldock called The Engine. Drink and food were plentiful. They still have large notices displayed about the possession of illegal substances, I suppose they mean tabs and brains.
Toodle pip.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Poor Gordon at least nobody's been 'forced' to suck him off yet.
Who the fuck is Gordon.
I bet Schofield did.
Im sure Dave had more than 3 moments in the game. He was quick enough to duck a swinging arm from their firery I-talian scotchman Guiseppi Mcloed. He also ran to the aid of Bully when he nearly had his ankle broken in the first half.
Nurse Dave, he should change his name to Debbie or something
I did ask whether Kate did a turn but she doesn't.
Does she do two's up with her mate. I love a dirty school teacher.
I really don't know!
Teachers are pure, dedicated and driven.
Mind I've shagged a few and they're the same as any others.
Anyone want to talk football?
No, I didn't think so.
Anything happening?
a crap week for comment!
It's been a crap week full stop!
"Any old iron?"
the rain is coming. i have no further comment to make
Has anyone seen Sunday's weather forecast? End of the world, stay by your hearths
I've got wood!
any game tomorrow?
If Sir Ronald has'nt called then you should know that the game is off. I will be at the Rovers for the league final if anyone fancies a jar and seeing the Mancs get a thrashing.
If yer mate doesn't shake your hand, beware- your secret could be out.
If yer missus doesn't pull your hampton, beware- your secret could be out.
If you polish your Hampton every Sunday your missus can give it a good tug in the evening.
Them Tories what devious bastards they always were and still remain.
don't pay taxes if yer crafty enough and then dictate what others should do. Clever cunts.
John terry will be a Tory.
Them Tories devious cunning bastards. Don't pay taxes if you are crafty enough and then tell everyone else what to do and how to behave.
John Terry will be a Tory.
David Cameron is Mr Plastic Man and as for liquorice Osborne these people are aliens to the rest of us.
Clever aliens mind since people with nowt from Dewsbury and Wigan to Hackney and Hatfield will be persuaded to vote for them.
The human condition is amazing!
Anybody fancy watching England at the Station tomorrow night?
No i've missed it!
As Delia heroically cried, "Where are yi?".
Walcott is poor, a 1 trrick pony, reminds me of Newcastle's Alberty Scanlon (RIP).
Upson- poor.
Baines- 1st division olde time
Defoe- no good
Still no blog! Whats going on?
I think Ron is still in shock at how irrational people are on a Sunday morning. You'd hope there would be blokes waking up in Blunham on Monday morning embarrased about their behaviour but I doubt it. Imagine explaining that to your kids. I still can't quite get over it. Especially the 'put it in the corner' stuff. Unbelievable.
Come on Ron.. Come out from behind the sofa and start blogging!! Say what you think. You are the messiah we hang on your every word.
The man has given up
i'm sorry
The abuse in thet game. It was a 3 way affair Knbs v Sandy v Referee, why bother playing football.
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