Very, very unlucky but there goeth the league- probably.
We were there for the kick off but they drifted in well after ko time. Then there was the delay for their new kit to arrive from the factory. Their bloke reffed to some effect. He was friggin hopeless, overruling his only linesman, me, a fellow Goerdie at that and then turning down a penalty when Gavin, haring for goal, was assassinated from behind. Gavin didn't even have time to dive, hitting the ground chin first. All their players we spoke to said it was a penalty. What can you do but battle on. After 10 minutes or so I came into the game as linesman for the one and only time. The 'ref' came over and asked me how long had gone. It wasn't that his watch had stopped but that he didn't have a watch! This was a first in football for me. A delay followed until a mobile phone was borrowed!
They hit the bar with a chip and the post with the follow up. Their only chance of the first half and most of the second. We got a game together and were very solid at the back and inventive going forward. Alas, chances were frequently missed.
Second half saw a bit more possession for them but we still carved out chances but were denied by unconvincing shooting and bad luck.
Late in the game Gavin hurtled in from the right and ended a move which had commenced from the hardworking Dave. His low raking sidefoot sweetly found the net.
The influential Chris G went off with a hamstring pull .
They equalised from a woeful passage of play. A corner to far post was headed in by a totally unmarked player. Noone near him, so easy.
They got the winner when Ron got caught out in midfield caught in two minds or was that three. They strode forward to lash in a winner. Sorry chaps and I was only on for five minutes. Perhaps we should have been out of sight by then.
Grub in pub and a few pints then yem.
The chastened one
Next week away, 1pm kick off, in Letchworth against Wibury Wanderers who luckily beat us
2-1 before Christmas.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
The Ref was a cunt and had'nt a fucking clue he deserved a kicking the fucking Wanker.
anyone seen my watch?
Fuck off you Geordie CUNT!
Still can't get over it. I was wondering what would happen if you had a continual cheating ref in a game. Would you eventually walk off? Complain to the league? I know it just looks like sour grapes but it makes you not want to bother. For their second goal we should have just booted their player up in the air before he had a chance to kick it. Or cleared the header off the line with our hands. But we don't play the game that way and rightly so.
I might mention something ommitted in match report. That big,brutish, bruising, baldy bastard who came on at half time and has hacked us before and can't take a beating or anything.
When I called it cheating, the penalty on Gavin, he turned to the world and cried "look who's talking!" and proceeded to recount my penalty decision made against them two years ago - see blog.
I'd forgotten it at the time but now I remember. He hacked our player down as he was centrally through for a shot on goal. Now it could have been a centimetre outside the area, on the line or a centimetre inside the area. I made a calm decision to award a penalty because a) it was a filthy deliberate foul to prevent a certain goal scoring chance for our man to score against their keeper (he wanted a freekick with all their team between our kicker and their goal- naturally. And b)it was a deliberate and leg breaking challenge from behind disregarding any injury consequences to the person he hacked- just stop him, his motto! And this in a veteran's football match!!!!!!
In a proper game he would have been off the pitch, redcarded for dangerous, violent conduct or whatever. For him to do what he did then argue violently that it was centimetres outside the area I think shows him for what he was and still is, a fucking thug morally bankrupt with it.
When I remonstrated with him after that game he excused himself by saying he was up half the night and was in a bad mood. Well then that's alright then. Is he 'Old Bill'?
So here he is, he of the elephant's memory and looking like one, telling me not to call their cheating ref a cheat!
He came on second half and those who can remember, he was dispossessed by Dave in our area. Dave ran off with the ball and cleared it before being scythed down by one of our friend's dirty, cowardly challenges from behind.
What a shit, you couldn't make him up. Well perhaps you could with Max Facta and a concrete dip.
It's great to be a moral victor sometimes. I've never enjoyed, in the aftermath, winning anything by cheating
Should have got him round the throat again like last time. Memory of an elephant!! Theres always next year. Watch this space.
You whinging wankers
Face the ethical truth unamusing elephant.CCCC..unt!!!
A winning team?
On a win to game ratio, the team would be:
1. Mark (60%)
2. Steve H. (66%)
3. Brendan (41% - rounded up)
4. Bully (43%)
5. Roy (43%)
6. Chris G. (41%)
7. Martin B-G (66%)
8. Phil W. (57%)
9. Matt (47%)
10. John T. (54%)
11. Mark Mills (60%)
12. John B. (40%)
13. Mike L. (40%)
14. Alistair (40%)
Wohin Gavin?
Who's referee?
we've gotta get out of this leaguie
if its the last thing we ever do
I note a new photo of a young Ron first day at University, 1964.
But John has cut out my mate on the photo, one Bryan Ferry, whom I taught to sing during our gigs together. Most notably after closing time in Newcastle centre, for which we were incarcerated. Bryan paid the fine for which I still owe him.
Too late now baby blue.
You look like the lead singer from Hermans Hermits. Could it be you?
He copied me, I had the teeth.
Friends Romans and Knobs,
listen up
Gavin's on TV Friday night 6pm BBC2.
How about a Knobs challenge to the eggheads?
Er... perhaps not...
I believe Gavin said it was Thursday at 6pm. Can you confirm Gavlaaaar?
Eggheads was cancelled on Monday, so Friday it is. Bloody Winter Olympics...who is watching it anyway?
ME! Was up till 5am this morning watching curling, speed skating and those doods on their boards back flipping and twisting in mid air. It was Grrreaaat.
I could see the KNOBS beating the Smegheads. I could imagine Chris G all over CJ De Mooi like a rash! Ooooo...
Ron's friends - is that bryan Ferry on the left.
Early Roxettes?
It certainly is!
Does anyone know the team for Sunday's game. Not recieved my usual email this week.
Team for Sunday
John B Alistair Brendan Dave
Darren Phil Ron
Matt Mark
we have an 11 only at present.
Why is dave not up front?
Well done Gav and the Owinians.
By the way Gav I never jumped the fences- used a few but jump, never!
Pat Taff. It will live with me forever. They didn't show the sudden death question before I got about the UK Head of Athletics...a real cracker. Oh well. The devil is in the editing.
CJ looked really pleased when thelast question was answered correctly. He knew he was in a battle. By the Gavlaar does your friend kate do a turn?? I'd give it one and her mate.
Howay keep it clean- You might show Gavin up.
Oh by the way Joe Cole and Terry who do they play for? my wife, a football hater got that one right.
What happened to Gavin on THURSDAY.
I was there waiting but he did'nt appear?? How did he get on anyway,was he like a true knob "unluckily defeated" with a cheating ref or linesman or did he simply go to an arts and craft exhibition instead?
18% win to game ratio. Nuff said.
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