Lovely day- wind too strong, bare 11 of those signed on available and a bit of a defeat.
Individually many struggled in the wind and numerous filled in rabbit holes. We actually only conceded the second goal with 15 minutes left and then all spirit- such as it was- evaporated.
We could have scored a few but didn't. Hit the bar in first minute (my gammy leg though I caught it too well). One terrific move saw a cross- at last- by John, square to Steve who hit a sweet shot low which was well saved by their keeper. The latter played well. A run of 60 yards by Chris Wilson was a highlight and it ended with a raking shot just wide.
Our crossing was either non existent (over playing with extra touches) or lamentable. That means utter shite.
On the positive side, players who rarely get a sniff of a run out never mind a whole 90 minutes were afforded a chance to graft and craft. I realise that football for all our members is the rationale of the club- so this somewhat abated my disquiet at the performance and the result.
First time I've ever kicked off to the accompaniment of a referee smoking a fag. There's a first. I thought the ref was pleasant but one sided and altogether quite crap. But there you are, Sir Alex would have gone red, peuce and black before spontaneously combusting. "It was only a shove!"
Must remember that rule.
Rumour mill.
One member, unavailable for work reasons, was in Manchester closetly watching something called "Pink"!
One member's family commitments seems to require him to drink all afternoon in The Roebuck, deigning the opportunity to drink a social pint with the oppo after the game.
A poor turn out in Therfield's re-opened pub after the game, but a content if contentious turn out. Realise everyone has a view, must remember that.
Four league games on the trot now, enjoy it may be the end.
Bring back Roy- even Big Bob got a mention yesterday but then Therfield was the scene of his oratorical fame. "Call yourself a camel"!
Aunty Social
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
My, my my....
Do I sniff Armageddon?
I hear there were too many sulkers and not enough battlers. Is this true? What personnel were missing?
it's good of you to keep saying i play well in every game, but it's becoming embarressing when there are other people trying to make an effort.
The latter was their keeper you prat!
It is not fair to have a go at all who did not stay for a drink after the game, some have young families and want to spend some time with them at the weekend. This is very true of the chairman and I quote from him:
"I have always said that, since I have four small children, I will spend Sunday morning playing football and Sunday afternoon with the family.
I will therefore not normally come to our local pub after a Sunday home game."
For some there is no excuse but the chairman provides the last piece of integrity in this cub!
So he went to a less than local pub to watch the Man utd game?
Anyone pick up my rattle and dummy in the changing room at Therfield- lost without them.
I thought Therfield was supposed to be an easy game. Where do these LIES come from?
Ron- who once scored 4 against them.
Mind you they are not vets per se- are they even if the centrehalf has ate a hundred years of stale pies, in one sitting by the looks. Still there you are, less heralded vets got a game even if they weren't amply helped by the young bloods and stars. Did they contribute? I'm not sure physically, but spiritually certainly.
we need to stick together, team spirit like last season.
its not fair to make the younger players scapegoats for the performance when the older players done fuck all apart from whinge.
we must seee this through as one even if the stupid old twats contributed nothing.
lets move on and prepare well and play with passion as a team next time. i'm prepared to forgive and forget but next time we need 11 not 6 men
Dear Bill, .........
Dear Ron...
Who else should retire now.. th young lads couldn't carry you/.
Footprints in the sand?
If the young lads can't carry the older ones then they need to be fitter and stronger!
Be on time on a Sunday morning. Put the shirt on with pride. Go on the pitch and do your best regardless of ability. Make sure you walk away a winner. Theres only a couple of personell like that in our team. Lets hope the rest of us can follow thier example.
i am like that but unfortunately never get the call anymore. i always ewar the shirt with pride.
Every team will go through bad patches.All that is needed is hard work,discipline and commitment, the results will sort themselves out.We can beat anyone on our day and there is no reason why we should not win the next four games and claim our rightfull position as the best team in the league.
i agree, but why stop at 4 games. Lets win them all!!!!
Thats nice we are starting to agree again! we all might start getting on aswell if this keeps up.
No, we're all doomed, Doomed with a capital D, I say.
Mind you we could delay doomdom a little by winning the next few games. Therfield ended a 6 game unbeaten streak after all.
I remember a real losing streak, when the word win had a d on the end of it and that's all.
And he's having an operation in December. Dedication?
Take heart all you fainties out there!
Quite a few will be playing operation in december when the presents are out at xmas time.
I'm sure roy will win!
I only play one instrument and it goes aaaarrrrgh!
do we have enough this sunday? We need a strong team, this is a league game and i am available, let me know.
Whoever you are anonymous, come along and we'll give you a game. Then when you play like a cunt we'll swiftly take you off and call you a cunt3 and rescind your anonymity for all time.
If you,re up for it come on and prove it you geriatric brain.
I'm up for it this Sunday. Honest. I'm even going to get there on time to put up the nets. 10.30 wasn't it? Normal time.
No such thing as normal time. It's all relative.
Green marker picks the team this Sunday you're all equally wonderful you see.
That's all relative also.
Come on you fuckers, play up, this lot lost 9-2 to Sandy (and won 1-0) , they're a lucky lot,
They wont turn up at The fox either- I predict- but then again I might be relatively wrong- cunts.
if i'm sub i'll shov ethat fucking green pen right up rons crack, the cunt
Apologies for the late notice but i'm gonna have to pull out of todays game.
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