The rain has arrived thus ending dessicated, bouncy pitches the likes of which we played on yesterday- until some other climatic excuse arises!
Four wins in a row, is that right, and we haven't played remotely well as a team yet!
Next week a league tester away to Harpenden Rovers and a number of absentees already announced.
After Friday's team meet and tashin session those that attended emerged fit and rashless.
A couple of lads carrying injuries on the day made subbing a little easier but not much.
The first 15 minutes most of the players were individually poor and 'playing' at walking pace thus as a team we were not there.
Things improved so much so that by the end of the game I noticed players bursting guts with pace and effort and it made you wonder what triggers this effort that wasn't there 'early doors' (don't you hate that phrase).
We were very much in control for a large part of the game and when we did play simple football from front to back, there was so much space and control it looked easy. Steve Bull is there for a reason keep using him or he'll take root and turn into a very pretty tree.
A reasonable move saw the ball present itself to Alistair, a few yards out, he desisted from the first time lash with the right and after a series of contortions in and and around his left foot he let fly and netted comfortably , to his intense pleasure.
The second arrived mid second half when from a Bully corner, Dave 'hacker' Jordan sidefooted home before hobbling back to the half way line, boot in hand!!!!
They scored direct, more or less, perhaps less, from a corner, with 10 minutes left. We were left with the unedifying sight of a handbags exchange between bristling Dave and their non bristling full back. The final whistle went in lieu of the first bell but everyone went home. Pub poorly attended in the last of the summer sun.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Read the Birchanger Vets website description of the same game!
Forgot to thank Bully for his perfect corner.
Hugs & xxxx
i'll take you all on. wankers
this season has gone downhill, no-one takes part anymore, the blog is dead and its no wunder everyone keeps arguing and fighting
Michael Owen and Damien Duff have much in common. Both worth millions, both played for Newcastle for which they were paid fabulous wages and both hated their time there. Why? Newcastle club, city or both?
They both left to those happy hunting grounds of Old Trafford and Craven Cottage.
They both continue to have something in common. They're both injured (again).
They were both invariable injured at Newcastle as well, rarely playing and hardly ever performing well.
Newcastle are obviously well off without them, good luck Man Utd and Fulham!
Over paid shits.
Chin up chaps. Can we get an internet deal to show our games live? I've heard that Dave might have a webcam we can use.
Great idea lets have it on pay per view.
your in for a beating you cunts
more forfeits in the league- yi just canna get ouldies ti play these days except in aegist free Knebworth.
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