It was raining, the cricket match was called off and Elvis never showed but a fine evening was still had at the cricket club.
The BBQ was still on and Dave who was looking for a fur burger had to make do with a Trussells burger instead!
The following awards were given out –
Most appearances made - Bully (played all 32 games)
Goal of the season - Chris Wilson v Datchworth on 15 March 09
Golden boot - Matt Peacock (27 goals in 29 games)
Managers player of the season - Bully
Players player of the season - John Boyle
Trevor also accepted a knobheads T-shirt on behalf of the team that played at Crawley Green.
So there you have it, ale was consumed and a lot got soaked on the long walk home. Special mention must be given to Paul who finally managed to crawl up the stairs to his bed about 8 hours after getting in!
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
When will the photos of the presentation night be presented. Im looking forward to seeing them all. Does john want others to send their pics on too him?
Photos are on the blog and other photos are welcome. Send me an email and I can give you details of where to upload them.
How about the Edward the Confessor in Stevenage centre for the AGM- it's a cracking pub- well full of crack addicts anyway.
The confessor has been shut down due to the crack heads and Stevenage low life. What is a low life if it's not from Stevenage.
Who was the tarty bit in the black leggings. Surely this is a good reason for the AGM at the CC. Good to see Dave with a polished member!!
what aabout the britich legion in knebworth for the agm?
If Eddie the Confessor's closed all the more reason to go there- it'll be real quiet.
The tarty bit was Dave.
I knew someone who went into the British Legion for a drink six years ago!
Wonder what happened to him- cannibilised was he?
Dont knock the legion, its alright you cunts
The Legion man? He hasn't come out yet.
whta time is the cricket starting on the 3rd July chaps.
Does any one have the details of a good pyhsio?
Phil seems to have gone to sleep !!!
what time is the cricket
I know a very poor witch doctor, never worked for me- and the odd voodoo priest- any help.
when is the cricket
Slunday's AGLEM. Wherey ill it bee?
The AGM will be at the Cricket Club. There is a BBQ laid on and all is welcome.
Hello night owel- yer a lyin fucker.
It has been confirmed that the cricket club is expecting us from 5/5.30 this Sunday. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Yeah but it's The Fox that won it!!!!
AGM? Who went- wot happened
You should have been there it was a blast!!!
Training- professional by the way- starts on Tuesday at the Rec with Phil leading.Be there you wimps.
What is an AGM?
Noone here! Must be summer or summat.
Training pity a few more couch potatoes didn't attend.
Thank you Phil and his invisible assistant.
I was at training on tuesday and it was very good. Well done Phil. Hopefully a few more may turn up next time.
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