Fellow Knobs,
The team meeting and presentation will now take place at Knebworth Park Cricket Club, Old Knebworth Lane.
The fun, games and drinking will commence at 6.00 with a Twenty Over Knobs vs Knebworth Park Social XI cricket match. Please let me know if you want to play so that I can organise the team. Those not wanting to play can watch and barrack from the veranda and supply the team with refreshments throughout the match.
The presentation will take part after the cricket and there will also be entertainment in the form of a tribute to Elvis and Newcastle and also a BBQ.
If you are going early evening and need help with transport please let John B know and he may be able to assist.
For those who have not been to the park before it is a fantastic setting and (some may not like this) would be safe to bring partners and children.
Other diary dates :-
• 4th July – KNOBS BBQ – Venue Bill’s House
• 7th August – KNOBs vs KPCC Social the rematch
Bill – Unsocial Secretary
John – Communications Director
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Have David and Anne been told- we should by them a box of something and reshedule the AGM to the Fox.
Fucking good call Ron. The fucking AGM should definately be at the Fox for fucks sake.
wot's the Lytton Arms ever done for us?
We want the Fox!
Hear hear , lovely beer at The Fox.
Will there be a vote. Lytton Arms is a snobby craphole always has been.
Here I am, no I'm not.
I'm going to the Fox or is it the Lytton?
Who's in the fucking team on Friday. I fancy a fucking go. Any of you wankers fancy a slog? I cant wait to put my fucking whites on and have a ruumage for my bloody box. Who's this poxy Elvis/Newcastle tribute cunt. Is it Ron or that wanker Ashley or both.
oh dear oh dear oh dear, I know it's election week but isn't the National Front an ex-party?
Who's for cricket old bean I know I am but I really think we should exclude Mr Neanderthal.
Whay am I excluded old chap? I can promise you my batting average is always jolly good and I would certainly be an opener, never in the middle order or tail.
Dash it all!
Fuck it, I love you all, after all life is short.
Not when you're old it aint.
Come to the cricket and see Twiggy in his creams ( used to be white circa '76), Bill in his pomp, Ron in his rompers abnd John Boyle holding up the bar.
It's fun, fun, fun!
Why is there a discussion about the Lytton and the Fox? That's not on the orginal post. What's going on?
The discussion about the lytton and the fox is who serves the best real ale
Best real ale? It's the lytton. But tradition - of the last season says we should be loyal to the Fox- what does the Lytton do for us- fuck all that's wot. Anyway the beer in the Fox is palatable, the guinnesss is alright and the lager well even Edward the Confessor got thatright!
AGM at the Fox......
Agreed AGM has to be at the Fox.
What is the team for the Cricket?
Who are we playing? What time etc?
Isn't it hot- so boring lying round the garden drinking Stella and seeking shade.
How, I wonder, is the world of work? It's a life innit?
Bill organises the cricket, earliest there higher up the order of batting so I believe. I'll be there at 3pm. Hope me whites fit.
Shutup you stupid cunts and stop whinging about real fucking knob dangler ale.
just make sure you buy my tasty sausages on friday, they're oh so special, they're oh so tasty, they're oh so plump and juicy.
A little birdie told me.... now was I? Oh yes sausages and what is a Trussell? And hope Friday's 20-20 is a bit more exciting than the professional version, it's dire which reminds isn't Kaka meant for Chelsea I mean they're all shite.
OMG! Debbie 7 with a cricket ball.
Cannot wait to put on my whites, has the team been announced yet?
If i get the opportunity to bowl can i just apologise in advance if i hurt anyone. I have been watching the mighty Fred T on betamax to get a few tips. I have pressed my whites and im looking forward to the challenge ahead.
i am available for cricket just waiting for the call
What a team!
If you wear whites you look a right prat by the way unless you take 5 wickets, 10 catches and score 50. It'll be sackcloth and ashes for me oh yes and winklepickers- it is Elvis night.
Bastards. The same selection criteria for football applies to cricket i see. I have been a knob for years, always available for cricket and still dont get a call up.
You wankers
Prince Charles wants to exterminate all grey squirrels.
Why don't we exterminate all balding, privileged fucking aristocrats?
And start again.
There really isn't any other interim, rational choice.
i have had a knob for years and am always available for cricket knitting and voting.
fuck labour vote ronald you assholes
I agree with not the best knob there seems to be the select crowd who always get a game whatever it may be and the others who get nothing.
you fucking twats
Has Ron been on the sauce again. Looks like he's having a conversation with him self on this blog yet again.
It's drizzling - bring a football and 4 jumpers.
still fucking raining and me whites are ready
fucking twats
they sell beer, forget your beer and embrace conversation and truth
As i stated earlier on the blog. It was'nt my intention to hurt anyone whilst bowling and i wish Bully a speedy recovery from his shoulder injury. A fantastic night was had by all. Can we have all our functions and after game drinks there in future please.
As i stated earlier on the blog. It was'nt my intention to hurt anyone whilst bowling and i wish Bully a speedy recovery from his shoulder injury. A fantastic night was had by all. Can we have all our functions and after game drinks there in future please.
I hope your cab turned up
Who is Colin??????
Colin could be a treacherous prat- the cab didn't turn up and some poor Knobs shrunk in the drenching walk.
I enjoyed the walk. I also enjoyed watching all the pissed up young people getting in to their cars and driving home. I could'nt even ponce a lift off anyone. The walk was completed in no time. I had chance of two more beers and a fag before the other half knew i was in doors. Can we pleaes please please have the AGM at the cricket club?
Stuff the other places i love the cricket club and want all future events there
Surely theres nothing wrong in using the cricket club. We could get ourselves known before we use it next season. Thers better birds there and it seems to have more life than all the places we use put together. Come on lads lets have a show of hands (blog response). Who fancies the CC for the meeting.
no. fuck off.
Better birds!!! You shouldn't be looking you dirty old man.
the cricket club is by far the better place, so there.
Shall we vote with our feet. All who want to go to the CC turn up there on the night of the AGM and leave the odd couple of "lonely guys" down at he Fox with their cold sandwiches and toothless old crows.
you fair weather wankers.
the fox has been welcoming,
a fair number of knobs visit each thursday night as well as after match sundays-
one night pissed at the crickt club is hardly nirvana,
get a grip you humanoids-fickle though you are
also the fox will be quiet for our business of an agm not so the cricket club.
wot's the cricket club ever done for us?
They have given us an option to have a different atmosphere when holding the boring AGM. I only turn up to the AGM's for booze birds and watching the camel moan about how high the subs are. Atleast with the CC we can have the AGM outside with great surroundings and hopefully some decent tucker. Such as a BBQ (optional) If it dos'nt work out this time round we won't do it again. Stop being so stuck in your ways and emrace things that are new and wonderful you may be suprised you old duffer duck.
Stop staring at my tits!
I believe that the Cricket Club would be a good idea. We all had a pretty good time and i thought the bombardier was a decent drink. I for one would be happy to have the AGM at the Cricket Club.
I agree, the agm should be at the cricket club. BBQ in the afternoon, free for all in the evening.
What a great idea. This will show that we have "The Family" at the heart of our club. Please mail me with interest.
Did Bill win pin-up of the year?
The cricket club is in a fantastic setting and they are always very welcoming, I think we should give the idea some serious thought and I for one would be all in favour.
I think we should start a new club.Old Knebworth old boys.that way we can get rid of these new people who keep playing instead of older knobs.all the new people are bastards and they are not locals.especially anyone from Watton they have not even got their own Chippy or Indian restuarant.i once went their on my bike and the stupid bastards even had a pump in the middle of the road.
Im happy for the AGM to be at the Cricket Club.
me as well
count me in.
We have never tried the Fox for an AGM. John has already arranged it on the back of cancelling the Presentation night there. Give John a break.
I dont think we should go to old Knebworth. The people there are strange, I went there once on my bike when I was a boy.Mark my words no good will come of it!
I'm all up for it at the cricket club
I am still waiting for the details of your pyhsio'.Please hurry up my leg wont fix itself you know!
Just wondering why you started your comment with Anonymous and signed off with Roy. Very suspect.
Have you actually asked John what he thinks. I don't think he's that bothered. Come on John let us know your thoughts on the subject. This could be the making of a great relationship between the CC and Knobs.
Because we changed the presentation night I was going to say to the Fox that we would have our AGM there but I have said nothing to them yet.
Does this mean that the door is still open for the CC to be the venue.
The venue is not my decision but the door is currently open to all venues.
What about the cricket club for the AGM?
Just a thought- mind we'll never be able to go to the Fox again!
We can always go to the Fox. They need the custom. They also need to be a bit more hospitable. Malcolm was a nice chap who knew the value of customers.
Di yi want yer arse licked and then rinsed with lager or summat?
It's gorra be the Fox.
Can't be arsed.
The cricket club sounds good to me
There is nothing suspicious about me.i just have a bad leg and need Phil's pyhsio's details,so come on Phil hand it over.
I dont care where we have the AGM, either venue would be okay.
Why don't you all fuck off to the Cricket Club. You seem to enjoy it more there than you do here. I fed up with all the snidie remarks. Don't think your going to get a good welcome the next time you turn up here.
Im all for the Cricket Club. Let me know when it's been agreed.
I've just walked past a tree with a 09/10 spurs season ticket nailed to it. I thought "Fuck me im having that". Well, you can never have too many nails can you!
How about the Station for the AGM- it's nice and handy and they serve a lovely pint of slops. Some great big lasses there to ogle at- what more could you want?
And you can view Cider boy from close quarters. The Station it is then?
No No No i want it.
Have any photos become available from the presentation night? Can we see them on the blog please.
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