Sour grapes, nay not at all. Tis the season of good cheer and..... other bits and bobs. Blah, blah..
A frosty morning, big turnout, especially the crowd, bigger than Knebworth Seniors!
Old men were outrun and outplayed by a side that used on-off subs frequently and cruelly. We, ancients, were not that well off for personnel and could not compete. Average age of Knobs, by the way, FORTY SIX (46). Just so yi knaa! Some of the opposition, if they were Dads had been shaggin in the cradle. But hey, no excuses we were beaten by a better and a younger team. Easter a return.
They led through a dozily defended goal tapped in from close range as the left side of our defence was caught inside out! We should have equalised but for a bizarre offside. A ball played into the six yard box in front of an open goal, our man coming in from behind it is surely onside. I should have shot meself and avoided the ambiguity. Anyway the equaliser came shortly afterwards from a cunning John Boyle toe poke from the narrowest of angles that nutmegged the keeper.
Second half Matt went off to watch Arsenal and we rarely threatened did Arsenal?. Indeed it was somewhat of a feat if we managed to clear our lines more than five yards.
A little bit argy bargy mentioning no names brought the year to an end with a defeat.
Both teams adjourned, in Christmas spirit, to different pubs but JB and I adjourned to the Station late on to mend the breach and listen to perfect strangers agog at the news of Phil's second half winning goal- an undefended free kick that sailed in untouched by all and sundry. We claimed it was indirect!!!! Did we fuck.
See you in the Newe Year.
Fair wind to your arses!
Grandad Ron
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Fucking cheating cunts. They had 2 linesmen with the combined age of 27 who only put thier flags up when threatened with loss of pocket money. 6 to 8 substitutes. A bloke who use to play for Hatfield Town. A midget who was trying to nest in Bullies shorts and a defender (number 3 called John i think) who ran like Forrest Gump and could'nt "throw in" properly infact a good part of thier team could'nt throw the ball properly and they only sneaked a 2 1 win out of the game. If you cheating cunts want to beat us fairly and honestly then have a team of Dads and Coaches from Knebworths other teams and don't use so many fucking Ringers.
In the bleak midwinter
Frosty wind made moan....
but come on 'sour grapes' let's not get too strident!
It were only a game and yes they were a little more youthful but well done to them (the c....s).
We had players who used to play but are now too old but can still lace up their boots, get out in the cold and join in and sometimes even capture halcyon days of yore if only fleetingly.
We needed Martin, Chris, Matt, Richard, Twiggy, Mike, Trevor and the real Gavin to compete yesterday. But we were what we were.
Ron my dear boy, I return reborn from my secret cave high in the Bankies where rejuvenated by herbs and sundry secret potions I am as I was in the halycon days of the Mighty Wynn.
I am available for selection - however transport has to be arranged and I believe that M. Owen's chopper is for rent.
I hope they put out exactly the same side as they did yesterday in the next game. The subs every 10 mins was driving me mental, but we will beat them next time... we need like any other game though to have the right attitude from the start.
I seem to have misplaced my Knobs waterproof this week, last seen on Roy's bag at half time! (have checked my bag)
Bill and Ron or is it Ron and Ron if you are using the club blog to chat please speak in English...
Oh, cheer up Sour Grapes. We gave you a good game, and I'm sure you'd rather that than no game ?
We've not been at full strength before so at least we were able to compete this time around. As for ringers, there was only one player that isn't associated with the club and another under 35ish.
Gary - U10s, Shaun - U13s, Nick - U13s, Mike - U17s, Bob - U17s, Ian - U6s, Nathan - U6s, Martin - U17s & U15s, Phil - U10s, Steve - U11s, Dean - U8s, Russell - none, Jon - U7s, Michael - U15s, Stuart T - U6s, Lee - U12s, Craig - U6s.
And we needed so many subs because our lot don't play every week like yourselves so they're a little out of shape ! Hence the 4 injuries.
At least it was an entertaining morning's football and I for one am looking forward to Easter - even though I won't be back playing myself.
I never wore number 3 on Sunday and Chairman Al took most of the throw-ins.
I must say after spending the rest of the afternoon down the boozer with Phil I could no longer fully recall his goal though he assured me and all around that it was a wonderful strike. It certainly sounded a good goal.
I'm also looking forward to Easter as I usually get an Easter egg.
Iv'e not finished yet! They also had Billy idols love child playing up fron swinging his elbows around. Alistair lost a tooth and Roy got one aswell. Great retalliation tackle 10 minutes later from Roy though. Ron you mentioned that we missed a few players on Sunday.I noticed that you missed someone out. My old mate Debbie7 im sure he would be quite upset to know that he is not thought of anymore.
Debbie 7? Fit for mulling around but little else at present.
He is long term injured so doesn't count.
Bill, projected by Michael Owen's chopper made my eyes water a bit, he too would be a veteran addition.
Aye Bill lad the Bankies where debuts were made on a fine tilth of pit ash, glass and asbestos fragments. Eeh bah gum we wor friggin hard, s'how we last so long!
When I grow up I want to be a real boy.
no 8 yer name be kate, no boy there shurely.
Win this week and we can avenge ourselves over arrogant opposition and even win a futile league where we are currently top,
Careful with your New Year fuelling procedures.
Ron, hate to rake up the past, but Mary Midgely and I share the same coffee machine in the Herschel Penthouse. Do you have any messages for her? I think she was gutted with Butt's namby-pamby performance on Sunday.
Thanks for the mention. If anyone wants to know what they were drinking before the game. The concoction was 2 bottles of mulled wine 1 bottle of red wine and 1/4 litre of absolute raspberry vodka. Hope you all enjoyed it.
Loved the raspberry. I farted sweetly all day.
To Mary I say this, Iam ashamed of my undergraduate efforts, would do much better now. I remember Geoff dismantling a tap in the toilets for a washer for his bicycle. I also remember many other things......
Arrochar sounds divine.... I can still climb, have retrieved balls from trees this season using skills of yore.
Happy New Year.
Right, yer on. The Arrochar Alps it is. The only climbing experience shared was a failed attempt on Crag Lough on New Year's night- the Twice Brewed Pub got in the way and was impossible to get by - a real mauvais pas. Still we were warm in that small tent with three.
Happy New Year to all Knobs.
bugger me thrice you quantum no goods ande happy new aoen.
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