Garston are consistent this season scored twice against us in both games! We could not replicate the eleven in the first game, in fact failed to notch therefore lost.
The history of this game is yi nivvor knaa what side they're ganna field. Their eleven, despite our battling performance, was too good for the side we fielded. With no Matty, Chris W, Chris G, Gavin and even Mark and solid John T we were turning out with a bare 11, including Phil who, returning from bad injury and only wanted part of a game.
The weather was balmy and the pitch was firm and immaculate. John B and Brendan bravely turned out depite being in the thrall of flu. After twenty minutes we lost Paul with a ruptured muscle, someone seemingly shot him, doon he went then off where he lay prone, comatose, unloved and ignored till half time. Just like home he mused. We proceeded to the end with 10 men, the promise of one of their players never materialising!
Half time 0-0, not bad but ominous. Martin raced to the faraway dressing rooms to retrieve our creative force's inhaler. Only Martin had the legs to do that and play a second half.
They scored from an error, then we could have equalised when Brendan , turning a blind eye, a deaf ear and a wooden leg to a call from someone called "Ron"? headed over the bar. I bear no grudges, I see no ships... etc.
They scored an excellent second goal from which there was no return.
Oh good refereeing, especially in the first minute when Roy, on the deck, after a tackle was kicked by their gigantic number nine. The referee dealt with the ensuing fight fairly. They said their player was not that sort and I privately thought we're all that sort!
A group of us dealt with the sarnies and crap mince pies afterwards had a quiet drink and went quietly if a little disappointedly homewards.
Watched Newcastle on Iraqgoals beat Spurs. Phoned the ailing John to gloat but he'd ventured out to seek food with the score 1-1. Duff's winner in the 90th minute must have been a bit of choker when he returned.
I'm away to hillwalk in the Brecons so next week's missive comes from the torrid pen of John "where's the bar" Boyle.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all, well almost one and all, not that maniac from Goldings and perhaps not Carlos and perhaps not............
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Beers in the Station tomorrow if anyones interested. Looking forward to Rons Ramblings.
Ron may be bringing the mother in law as well, she'll keep him in place!
What happened to their Vets Cup match?
So that's it. The end of our unbeaten streak. Just before Christmas. Bah, humbug. Hope we don't do a Hull. Or a Man City. See you at the Station.
Revenge against us was more important than the cup and we played Garston not Hamburg.
Bill Bill where for art thou?
Ron is now the first Knob to play as a grandfather! Well I will be next game I get a chance. Come on "give Ron a chance", why are we waiting..........
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