Good win with a little hiccup or two- presumably aftermath of Friday night.
Usually a weaker side fronted against this lot, usually with a similar result so my expectations of a 10-0 victory yesterday was a little out! Probably we were too purist, trying to walk the ball into the net, but perhaps that will hold us in good stead against better sides.
Gorgeous hot morning, awaiting kick off and a referee who had gone yem to find a whistle. Monsieur Bull, impatiently pawing the earth for a kick off that took an age to materialise got a few of them riled- fuck me this is Therfield. It didn't matter, a match fought well in good spirit- I hate those games. We played well for half an hour and their only sniff was a back pass from me that followed Ashley Cole some 24 hours earlier, apparently. Trevor courageously saved.
First goal excellent move, John Boyle made it (mine's a pint of Guinness) finished aplombishly by Steve Bull. Second a neat finish by Matt. Where are the floodgates?
Stuck that way till half time.
Big centre forward was a lumpy awkward thing, Chris Griffths excellent, take off your non-existent hat,
Over prettification meant the score remained static for most of the second half until they scored in a scrimmage on the goal line after a blatant push on Chris, I think. We put the result beyond doubt with a crap third, a header from John Boyle as he awaited a clattering that never came. He had to be there to do it! (Another Guinness please).
The pub in Therfield having gone to the wall meant we trekked into Royston and spent an hour in glorious Indian summer sun. John Twigg only one in his new Knobs sweatshirt- £15 from Steve Bull- or you don't get picked.
John Boyle revelled in his Ribenas with straws and Trevor enjoyed a Latte. Fuck me with a dead rabbit! Bill floated the idea of a trip to Chataillon sur Plage. it was the sun and the Latte wot done it.
Thanks for the lift back Brendan, despite being blocked in by Royston's version of Wild Bill Hickock, we got yem safe by 2.30.
Injured list:
Dave - cartilege out till December
Roy - everything in the leg region not covered by bandages and elastoplasts out till Oct 19th
Bill- hamstring out for two months.
Phil- hamstring and ankle out till New Year.
M...- out with syphillis, waiting till bollocks drop off naturally.
Mike- out with laser eye problem till Oct 19th?
Big Bob- out permanently due to fractured wllaet and blackballing.
Sunday league away to St Albans.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
We're all going on a summer holiday, no more worries for a week or two.
Good win gentlemen. Looking forward to December. If i can get in to a winning side. Other wise i maybe looking on from a far.
beer on friday
sun on sunday
what's up
are you all dead?
The England game is on at the Station Hotel tomorrow kick off 7.30.
Dear Ron has an important meeting with us starting at 8pm so unfortunately will miss the game.
Never again do I want to see the kind of things that went on after the game Sunday... drinking of coffee and fruit based drinks should I feel be banned from after match get togethers. What next Gavin doing the pre match team talk? Its madness and MUST STOP NOW! We are Knobs after all...
I dont believe that any knobs would have a post match drink that did not contain alcohol!
Any evidence to back up the claims?
there is no evidence
Breendan' right! BBC news confirms confirms 53% Geordie men have faecal bacteria on their hands. Oh dearie dearie me. Unclean, unclean am just away oot ti ring me bell, perhaps a should hev a bath first.
Mighty Roy of the Knobvers remains injured.
Ten- phew!
Thats what i call a pre match drink.
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