Another sunny day.
A well crafted and in the end a comfortable victory. The pitch was most un-Sandy like and I think the game was enjoyable. The Sandy mittens have been buried. We don't often have a goalkeeper up there but this time we did and it paid off.
With a bare eleven we outfought and outplayed them. Matt was called into labour at 9 o'clock so had a reasonable-ish excuse for crying off.
Everyone played well and particularly in the first half we closed them down well and seemed first to all 50-50's and deservedly turned round 2-0 up. The real Gavin turned up and was scintillatingly fleet footed, soon giving rise to charges that he was only 20 something. Such a joy for me to quietly put Lil F in his place. "No old chap he is 35 yet I notice your two youngsters in their 20's haven't got the stomach for the fray!" Much better than, "ah fuck off yer cunt" certainly intellectually more satisfying, must remember that.
First goal Mark, deep on the left touchline, spotted the blur that was Gavin on the top right wing and a lovely flighted ball saw G take it in his stride, bamboozle the keeper and score. There was some doubt about the second, a Roy header from a corner gently chaperoned over the line by Gavin. The exultant Roy left noone in any doubt as to the owner of the goal, as he strode back to his position.
Steve Bull, labouring with a bad back, took a ball against none other than Lil F, flicked it over his head and finished with an exquisite chip that cleared the bar by a gnat's whisker.
Second half we remained in command and were really surprising them. Deep right Bully looked up and saw his fellow forward peeling off the back men. A lovely cross took out both central defenders and a diving header saw old man river nut home in delight, 3-0. Shortly afterwards Chris Wilson broke up their possession and burst through into the penalty area but sidefooted it wide with keeper beaten, hard luck, much discussion in pub.
They came back into it with two goals one a good one and one somewhat dodgily defended. John Boyle made an excellent clearance off the line before we got our fourth. A Mark corner found a totally unmarked Brendan, farpost. He headed into the melee where good old Gavin extricated his feet from his arse before gently rolling the ball over the line. His hattrick- no says Roy.
A deep crossfield ball from Bully saw Mark running into space, rounding the keeper and sliding home the fifth. Gavin could have helped that one on its way too but he's not that mischievous.
The referee did well apart from missing a diabolical push on 'old man' as he was about to notch his second header. It was laughing Joe the Eyetie wot done it. We parted friends (cunt) it was that sort of game.
The last of the summer sun was spent in a beer garden before we dispersed. John and Gavin to the Station to watch Spurs cement their place at the bottom, holding up mighty Newcastle. Now that takes some doing.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Well done lads and I must say you looked an awesome team and very smart.
bare eleven? i don't hear the phone ringing Ron, have i been forgotten?
We were wearing our new kit! Hardly bare!
i've been waiting by the phone in the hope of a call from ron for 2 years now. i've played at sandy before you know.
we've always lost at sandy until now. nuff said!
Well done Men. Sorry about crying off but i was arm deep in shit, blood and a placenta the size of a dinner plate. All went well and a new Gooner entered the world at 15:38. Ruby Jane Peacock, future number 9.
Wot no Theo? Congratulations. I hope you weren't wearing the new strip at the time. We accept that you want to wear the 9 all the time but you don't have to go that far! Will you be bringing Placenta pate on Sunday. Apparently it's delicious.
Is the curse of the sponsored shirt going to happen to us?
Should we buy a spare ref shirt just in case for the future? Obviously sponsored.
Can we have a vote again? How about who is shittest...Spurs or Newcastle? Or Sandy? Or old age pensioners?
Spurs by far! Even the Knobs have more points then that bunch of twats....
Are we wetting the babies head on Sunday or have you got bigger commitments now.
Sponsorship curse? Northern Rock safest bank ion Britain.
Howay the lads.
Give me a bell some time, i have paid my subs.
The phone is quiet.
Give Ron a break he's doing his best to keep a good team together. When theres availability im sure he will call you.
Am available for this Sunday Ron. Many Thanks
In ivvryday Geordie saga: the Kinnears are cummin:
Well yer fuckers, yer fuckin cunts, in fact yer bloddy, bloodclart, fuckin cunts to the power of three. Why dae yi think am gannin back ti thi northeast so a can find somebody to taalk tae proper like, thez plenty fuckin cunts up there ti taalk tae in the fuckin vernacular so to speak.
"Hey cunt how yi gannin?"
"Hellow shithoose hower ye, hevinnt seen yi since fuck knaas when. Where yi been yi fuckin bastard?"
"Doon sooth where aal thi marys work ornin a crust like ti get fuckin by. But a hord that Kinnear was up here and a thort ad cum back yem for a proper, salient chat aboot the fuckin economy, the Toon and shitey wot not. Ye norr allowed ti swear on Sundays doon there yi knaa, summat ti dae with a papal Steve Bull or summat. Yer canna let flow in a fuckin pub on holy fuckin Sunday mornins, a suppose it's because thi whoers ov got sae many bairns in them places it lowers the friggin tone. Anyway how's fuckin Joe settlin in at the fuckin nuthoose?"
"Nae bad man e gave that shitty Mirror journo a guid seein tae. 'Hey ye, yerra cunt'. Just like that, yer a cunt".
"Wot did Mirror wanker say?"
"Ee that's nice or summat comin from a manager, in e blushed a bit."
"The cunt, the fuckin puffin wee cunt."
"Aye that's what we aaal thought the fuckin wee fuckin cunt. Ee's a fuckin wag that Joe. In e's norra Cockney yi knaa, e ounly lives there in twattin palatial splendour next ti that cunt Ashley. Mind ye Ashley's other neighbour's a hairdresser so a suppose wer lucky ti get Joe. Naa Joes's a fuckin Paddy, ee's one ov us aaalmost."
"Will e get thi Toon oot thi shite but?"
"Nae fuckin chance but the reckon things'll be like shite up a height from noo on. Nothing if not highly interesting wouldn't you say?"
"Yi nivvor knaa. Well see yi Geordie ye cunt".
"Aye see yi Geordie yi fuckin bonny lad yi."
"Hellow Mrs Broon av just hed a nice chat ti your Cadger, worra fuckin cunt, see yi hen, mind how yi gannin".
Ye divvnt impress me, ye bliddy fullicker. Keep yer thumb behind the liggy!
Ivry time a dae that a fullick an get hoyed off.
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