The Vets returned to winning ways with a comfortable 5 - 0 win at bottom of the table Sandridge.
This was Sunday morning football at its best - Wayne failed to turn up for the second time this season, Woody confounded expectations by turning up and Banksy had failed to get the kit even moderately clean. Fortunately in the previous 7 days, nobody had retired or left the club, and team joker Martyn "chubby" Brown was back to strengthen the defence.
Kicking downhill and with the wind, Knebworth started quickly and soon took the lead. Dave M combined well with Jono, and Jono made his greatest contribution of the day falling over in the box for a penalty. Bully edged his career success rate from the spot to over 10%, and Knebworth were one up.
Knebworth were dominant and were soon 2 up when Dave M found space to smash the ball home. It was then time for Tony C to turn provider. The Knebworth Youth coach of the year (God help us!) ignored his training manual and hoofed the ball down the hill. Somehow Sandridge struggled to deal with a long straight, traditional English pass, and Woody was able to make it 3 nil.
At half time super sub Banksy came on, so Dave Knights could make some more phone calls. The late arriving Sandridge sub also came on at half time and began to use the phrase "my bad". This phrase, 'to admit one's own mistake' is the reserve of anyone born after 1990, and has no place in vets football. League historian John Boyle said there have been no recorded cases of this phrase being used since the league was founded in 1867. John added, "I hope Ron Crennell does not read the blog this week, he will be shocked to the core to hear of such language".
Sandridge were stronger in the second half with the wind behind them, but it was comfortable at the back for Knebworth. Super sub Banks, angry at being made to start the match last week, scored his 5th in 7 (he claims) to make it 4 nil. Banksy was given so much time to take his shot from 10 yards out that Dave Knights, now back on the pitch, had time to make 3 phone calls from left back.
To round off Woody summed up the energy to run past 3 players from the half way line and make it 5 nil.
A steady win against a struggling Sandridge team. After the match Dastardly Darren Aldrich said "myself and Muttley Hobbs continue to be attacked on social media by anonymous posters, but we are strong, we are top of the league, we've won 6 out of 9 league games". Questioned about his training methods, given the high injury count for the vets this season, Dastardly Darren said "there is nothing wrong with our training drills, look at Banksy he is fit as a fiddle, look at Woody he is so fit he can afford to smoke at half time. Haters gonna hate".
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
I do read this blog and "my bad" sounds a sign of lack of some sort of education or indeed any kind of of education. Da iawn, gwnaeth y bechgyn yn dda!
Nadolig llawn to yi aal. Keep me place warm, I'm really fit now, playing with the youngsters hereabouts. I was gonna pack it in at 70 but now the number 80 is my target, keeps yi gannin like, howay the lads.
You'll fall away and miss me, just you see...I'm one of the management haters. You bunch of wankers... Thanks for nothing. Brendan W
Oil man I weren't say me bad me saying "me ball" the younger looking left back was twisting it when the ref wasn't looking.
Clean sheet, are you sure Tony was in goal?
Missing from the report, ex-Spurs star Ramon Vega walking past at half time. Socially awkward moment when Woody introduced himself to Ramon, fag in hand. Fair to say Woody knew Ramon better than Ramon knew Woody
I'm sure that wasn't a hoof upfield to Woody for his 1st goal, it was a pinpoint 70 yard pass after saving Greg's blushes with the save to deny an own goal
Tony, we had a deal, gloss over the bad, gloss over the good....
Ramon Vega I'd piss all over him... Still you'll never see the likes of my skills again, unless you play against the mighty Stotfold. My new best friends. Brendan Hotshot
Didnt Tony's 70yd misdirected, wind assisted toe punted drop kick work out well for once. The lucky Git.
I tink my fecking head has stopped spinning now. That little fecker wit the tricks made me lose what fecking day of the week is was. The bastard.
Chin up Jono, he was fast but you need to work on your running style...
Sorry for not showing up Sunday. Who took my place? and they play better than me. I'm available to start this weekend.
Wayne you will serve a one match club suspension
Hope that wanker dave never took my place and fuck your 1 match suspension
No he didn't,but Martin played really well alongside James.
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