Faraway Sir Ronald

It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?

Goodbye Sir Ronald

Goodbye Sir Ronald
Quack quack

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Blunham 0 Knobs 2

Our annual trip north up the A1.  Again, too many players made themselves available leaving the management dream team with the task of ruining squad members’ weekends by telling them they had been selected.

The weekly management meeting had gone well and the starting 11 selected and game plan devised.  Management were confident after last week that we could beat our old rivals who had somehow beat us 3-2 earlier this season at the Rec.

Friday night, Chairman Al advised of his withdrawal.  A replacement was drafted and plans amended.  All toe-punts were dropped from the game plan.

Saturday afternoon, Martyn withdrew.  Another replacement was drafted and again plans were amended.  All step overs and flicks were dropped from the game plan.

Saturday night, Dave K withdrew. Another replacement was drafted and again plans were amended. All left hooks and right jabs were dropped from the game plan.

Fortunately everyone else turned up (big thanks to the late replacements!!) and there was a confidence amongst those in the away dressing room. With dropouts and injury there were a few changes from the week before. Dan stepped in for the injured Tony C in goal, Greg slotted in alongside James at centre back, the gaol machine dropped to left back, Chris Cox started the game at left midfield and Jono lined up on the right of midfield.

The game kicked off and Paul injured himself.  He shall now be known as Gary Baldi, clearly being made of biscuits.  If Norris McWhirter was still alive he could tell us if Paul holds the “least minutes played per injury” record.

A very early change was made and on came Banksy on the right and Jono went up front.  It would have been understandable if all the changes and disruption had affected the team but it didn’t.  Having 2 balls to warm up with this week clearly helped as the team started well and maintained the performance throughout.

In terms of a team performance this may have been the best so far this season.  Everyone pressed, tackled, passed and supported throughout.  There was some great football and not many spells where Blunham kept the ball for any length of time.  We spent most of the game in their half and with the ball.  On the rare occasion they broke it was solitary attacks from a long ball and all were snuffed out by the back 4.  James had a particularly good game winning every tackle and occasionally overlapping the forwards as we attacked.  It didn’t look like Greg’s first game at centre back for us and he showed some nice distribution of the ball into midfield.  The wingers when not panting were getting up and down well, supported by Bren and Tony at full back and Bully and Darren dominated the middle with energy and good inter passing and received great support when an extra man appeared. Dave J gave himself 30 minutes it was that easy for us! Everyone deserves praise.

The goals –

Having had quite a few long shots from the midfielders which didn’t trouble the keeper much (too many to remember but can think of Darren 3, Chris C, Banksy (still rising)) the keeper faced a penalty from Bully following a trip on Lee in the box early in the 2nd half.  Not a single complaint about the foul which is unusual for Sunday football.   As per the previous week, Bully rolled the penalty in and we took the lead.

Half way through the 2nd half a long ball over hit into our box was collected by Dan and he quickly launched it up the pitch.  Before we could moan at Dan for not taking his time the ball was controlled immaculately by Jono inside the Blunham half, he glided past the 2 defenders and struck the ball past the goalie (who was diving the wrong way).  A great goal.

Although he didn’t score, Dave M put in a real shift up front, was unlucky to see a shot come back of the post in the first half and gave Blunham problems all game.

Dan’s only real save was from Tony K, the adjudged back pass the only real threat we faced. (we charged down the free kick so even that wasn’t much threat).

Back to the changing rooms for some more hilarity and onto the club house for jacket spuds with chilli. 

We must have played well as we were asked by Blunham if we had brought in some new players since we last played them!


The Truthseeker said...


James Hobbs assisted Jonno's goal after a typically surging run.

Banksy's "shot" was clearly a clearance. A very good one. Masterful even. As strong and clean as his glistening thighs.

faraway and happy said...

Da iawn, lovely beating that lot. Keep enjoying.

Defender said...

James, what are you on about? The assist was a punt by Dan. This was the only time you were still in your half so you should remember it. Perhaps the chili potatos fried your brain after the game?

The Truthseeker said...

It's not me, I am someone else. And may be mistaken because of all the crack smoking.

Real james said...

Can't remember much about the game to clarify, but do remember being excellent.

Dave said...

I thought that new bloke Dave played well.

Anonymous said...

Well done team. Shows what you can do with a bit of hard work. I'm so pleased those lazy bastards aren't playing anymore.