Goldkhaki deserved their win. Not so the shite that emerges from their hideous gobs.
Full back -it wasn't a penalty.
Referee- You pushed him, penalty.
FB- I fuckin didnt, yi cheatin cunt.
Referee- oh in that case it's a goalkick to you old chap.
New rules, referee spins the coin, announces heads or tails, a bit of ritual if you like, blows the whistle from time to time for a bit of reality if you like but as soon as one of the players, be it the boot, the iron or the ship disagrees the referee sends himself to jail and collects fuck all if he passes Go. (I told you I was ill).
Our attacks were sporadic and powder puff the few chances we made we missed. Their goalkeeper was more than capable. And he was a true vet. In age, in manners (one of three to proffer a handshake at the end) and he was one of three of them to show at the Station for a drink.
Their centre forward proved muscular as ever, well he's at his prime now he's reached 31. In 4 years he'll come of age and gently wither into decrepitude. Hope his big mouth goes the same way. Playing with old guys like us who have served their time in proper football- he's pathetic. Mind you playing with Vets for so long has physically aged him and he seems to be somewhat tonsorially challenged. Must be catching.
This grapes splurging is not because we lost, perusal of the records show we inevitably beat this lot year in year out. But I've been playing against this lad since he was 21, hmmm I was 57 then.... fair match don't you know. Yes quite pathetic. Mind you things can swing both ways!
They could and should have scored a couple first half but din't and the half ended 0-0. The right winger was a bit of a speed merchant and was giving Twiggy's lungs and legs a working over without causing any real damage. How would Brendan fare taking over from JT second half. Well first Brendan was caught foraging in the centre forward spot..... our centre forward spot. That's one way to deal with a speedy winger, play somewhere else. Then to prove defensive duties were not beyond him he lay deep enough to play their bloke onside, a bloke on t'other side of pitch a mile offside otherwise. From this position he went on to score unopposed as our defence pleaded vainly for offside. Linesman John T , referee Ron C. No cheating there then. Brendan is rusty and is in post operative mood. I believe has to play in the middle where he can react and challenge. Tony you are now fullback when Brendan plays. Full back is not the old people's rest home a lot of folk seem to think it is. A certain amount of pre-dementia thinking is required in the position.
Elsewhere our passing was crap and rarely did anything like a fluid move appear imminent.
That is not to denigrate the effort. Almost everone got stuck in with some meaty challenges.
Anyway we equalised through the penalty. I suppose with the crowd baying for blood it was important that subsequent Knobs challenges didn't give the referee an excuse to 'redress' some perceived imbalance in proceedings. That was not to be, a kamikazi challenge by their forward was dealt with vigorously by Chris and a penalty was awarded to them from which they just managed to score. Was it a penalty? Probably not, but the pressure was on and the referee subconsciously took the easy way out.
My head was throbbing and my detestation of Homo sapiens knew little or no bounds. Apart from derisory and/or sarcastic remarks about added on time (4 minutes actually- pretty fair if not really enough) the game fizzled out unceremoniously. Knickers to the lorra yi.
The pub, the Station, was a mirth filled place, the Englishman's true place, not his castle. The 12th century writer Geoffrey de Vinsauf referred to "that drinker England" and that in the midst of Third Crusade battles "they kept up the Old English custom and opened their mouths wide with proper devotion to drain their goblets to the dregs." Not much has changed and he must have known the Station well- dregs begorra! Vinsauf- roughly translated that would be 'thirsty for wine'! What a people!
By the way did you know that the word 'ale' meant a party? brideale was a wedding party, scotale a debt paying party etc.. when by the way is the next Knobsale?
More on the quaint customs of ye English bastards next week.
Midweek game Wednesday then the end v Blunham at home on Sunday. So "wesheil kindly sirs and "dricheil" to me.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
horrible oiks
I felt very depressed after the game. This was due to two reasons. 1. My own personal performance wasn't good enough. 2. The display of some of their players. I would have walked away if I was Ron. The right back who (in the words of their left midfielder) had "lost it", lacked all humour and was embarrassing. You fear for society when you see people like him in the world. The irrationality that surrounds football and particularly at Vets level, when it's very easy to criticise but not be prepared to volunteer is beyond belief. People still live in some deluded dream where they could still make it. Matt Busby should never have said his famous quote because sadly people believe him. Ridiculous. It's put me off playing next season.
Well played knobs, the way you acceded to the penalty showed the way. Whether you were simply sportsmanlike or acknowledging they deserved an equalising penalty I don't know. We do things right - all brace at the main mast.
i am available sunday
Bibliograhy re blog:
Geoffrey de Vinsauf, Poetria nova, line 1003, ed. Edmond Faral, Les Artes Poetique du X11e, siecle (Paris 1924), p. 228
I will play both and win because I am great.
Do not attack your enemy when he is squatting to defecate-
Daniel of Beccles c1200
People like their right back are exactly why we should carry on playing next season! Vile gobshites need to be taught a lesson. When good men do nothing evil prospers - So give the twat a kick and give him something to moan about!
Yeah but I hate to see a big man cry.
And are referees allowed to give twats a kick?
Divvint put yi shovel where there's nae shite.
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