A fine victory on a dull, cold, windswept day on a pitch that hadn't been grazed since autumn.
Dunno if anyone listened or even took what was said to heart beforehand but that was exactly what this doctor ordered. No purist football in these conditions so keep hastling the man on the ball with energy. They're gonna need two or three touches just to get the thing under control before they can start their playing. Energy and commitment around the ball, the great leveller. Mind you we had players who want to get the ball down and play a bit. Hopefully they wouldn't be so committed and I don't think they were, especially first half. It hadn't gone beyond our notice that a couple of their key players started as subs whether for injuries or because they thought we might be a soft touch I dunno but we took the first half and a two goal lead which we held to the end. Second half saw us dig deep and defend bravely against a multitude of crosses and corners. We deserved what we got.
They were slow out the blocks and we had the better half chances in the first twenty minutes, a long ranger from Chris just over. Their main thrust came from a pacy centre forward but his attempts to play off the last man were thwarted by a canny sense of togetherness by the back four, frequently catching him offside. Vinnie looking a bit laboured on his return from maternity leave was nevertheless causing concern to their defence. He was holding balls up nicely and putting it about a bit. He was rewarded. Springing clear of an offside trap to advance, take it early and sidefoot past the keeper from just inside the area. 1-0.
Roy was setting the standards from the back with some keen tackling and an unerring ability to utilise anatomical parts some humans don't seem to possess! Blocker Roy, well done, committed and brave, just what we needed. Gavin arrived on the touchline and became number one sub as arranged and shortly we went further ahead through Richard who toe poked in from a dozen yards following a sustained bit of pressure. 2-0.
Vinnie was capitulating just before half time, shame on his fitness coach and needed a rest. Gavin came on to replace him. We were not without our telling attacks second half but mainly it was a sterling defensive job that saw us home. Gavin could have netted and Andy was desperately unlucky with a cross shot that evaded the far post. Everyone put in a shift and emphasising individuals would be churlish but I'll have a go. Roy excellent, Tony played his guts out and organised well. Alistair coped manfully with a strange position, left back, hit some good passes and his much derided goal kicks were a bonus on the day, he'd put Johnny Wilkinson in the shade. John Boyle great at full back astute positional play with meaty challenges. Chris Wilson a quiet assassin, played great. Darren coped manfully in his first game back from globetrotting, lot of joy with his little drag back trick, 3 times it worked. Andy, despite physical inequality, really occupied their usually outstanding centre half and tackled back to great effect. Richard played his usual game and wore himself to a standstill with his effort. Not Steve's sort of game creatively but he rolled up his sleeves and defended with the best, only looked heavenwards once! (I'd have brought him back on for a penalty, can you do that?).
Gavin strove manfully for scraps on replacing the mighty Vinny. Goalkeeper, the unbeatable Dave? He organised, positioned himself well and caught everything that came at him, almost! And twice succeeded in reining himself in and not clobbering a forward who got beyond the back four. Can't do better than that!
Ron was linesman- hey it's very tiring, especially keeping up for offsides.
Chris Cox was our away support.
A civilised drink in the Royal Oak then we aal went yem chuffed. The title race is not yet run. Hope Des notes this.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
I think Tony is right, I have just checked and I make it we have played 18 games, can we see the list of who has done the kit please? I feel sorry for Tony as Dave always picks on him.
I agree, lets have transparency of such documents
I haven't done the kit yet
I am available Sunday and don't mind taking the kit.
Don't be a twat Tony we all know it's you. Your time is coming!
No I really do feel sorry for Tony as Dave always picks on him.
Fuck the football. How were Vinny's potatoes?
I heard Vinny got out of breath peeling the spuds. Is that true?
Forget Vinny and his potatoes I have something much better for you. 2KG of clementines at Asda for £1.
Dont have a pop at my Vin he made a lovely dinner for all. He was very tired after doing the washing up.
The clementine was discovered by Father Clement Rodier growing in the garden of the orphanage that he ran in Algeria.
Algeria, Tunisia, Mali, Morocco...a hotbed for Muslim extremism. Found out today at school. Got to blame the French for carving them up and pushing Christianity. And by proxy the Geordies. SACRE BLEU PET!
You bunch of cunts! I make myself available more than most but when a couple of your superstars fancy a game I get fucked off.I'm going to another club that a) will love me and b) doesn't have a twat for a chairman.
Thanks Benny.
Roy - what a KNOBS legend. Hard as nails. He reminds me of the black knight in Monty Python's 'The Holy Grail'.
Extremism try studying British practices in Britain's Empire history. Mau Mau severed penises anyone? Very tasty.
Roy for most improved player
Severed penises...that's a delicacy in some parts of the world Benny has visited.
That's right the knobs changing room.
Gerrard's been reading the history of Montenegro no wonder he's quaking on our chances for what the British imperialist establishment did to them in 1918.
Stitch up? The Serbs, Britain's preferred choice, used to stitch cats into the women's skirts and beat them mad! The men ? They skinned them alive!
Montenegro 1 England 0. No Brazil this century England.
similarity between roy and richard 3rd
sunday home , one game v Sandridge.
Dave, John, Roy, Tony, Ali,Darren, Chris, Steve, Richard,Vinnie, Gavin,Joel, Gerry, Jamie.
Lang may yer lums reek!
Take Dave out and thats a strong team
Didn't you see Ali's name on the team sheet then?
Where's the 70 comments coming from this week Gav? And on the back of beating of the champs!
Everyone brain dead or summat.
Anonymous your a cunt, I won the game for you last week.
Sad day for the knobs when half the team are wearing gloves!!! Roy does not wear gloves.
But he wears a willy warmer. Iv'e seen it! By the way i thought Tony had a good game (for once)
I know...70 comments...there is a long way to go. Isn't it cold out? Can we get a job lot on tights, gloves and willy warmers?
I'm off to Anglesey Abbey to see the snowdrops. yes Tony organises very well, pity people don't listen most of the time!
Tony had a great game sunday, 10 out of 10 if you ask me.
I have returned from the abbey, the snowdrops were exquisite, not so the fuck ups, stitch ups, etc since. Have spent half the evening trying to salvage our game on Sunday- this is now "don't ask" to the power of 1000. Yi widdint believe it- thi worlds gyen tappy lappy... watch this space... not too closely something might shit on you.
i am available sunday
Don't ask..... yet.
What's happening? Will we get the 3 points? We're all available and ready to play. Let the league organiser know.
Who is the league organiser? String him (or her!) up by something uncomfortable. Disgrace, but never mind its a bit parky for football and the snow is on the way.
After the rearrangement of all the fixtures which finally included me joining in with the league who alongside Sandridge, Uncle Tom Cobley and all one of the prime movers of all the rearrangements, Saints whose secretary is the League organiser, decided with everything done and dusted that they could not cancel a home game friendly against mighty Therfield, because I believe their pitch was booked and food booked. Us too but we don't count. Our opposition were fine about the cancellation. So the folk who ran with the idea with the idea have now reneged. I still await a proper explanation or an apology
Disgrace. I blame Carlos. What a cunt.
No one wants to play us after the mighty victory last week. They know snarling Roy is back and we won't take any prisoners anymore. Screw the league. Screw you too.
No game Sunday! this wouldn't have happened if Dave was in charge.
Bloody good report, Wor Ron.
Well done KNOBs, fully deserved, bastards!
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