The snow didn't arrive but the Knobs did. A very competitive performance downhill in the first half saw us only 1-0 up but there were no weakneses and they didn'y have a sniff. Unfortunately we did, probably Dave's diet, farter uber alles, puff puff out the mouth matched by phlumff phlumff out the bottom. That's Dave you love him if your olfactory strengths are switched off. ("The fucker stinks the field out" who said that? ).
Hey it was cold. I stood there fully prepared to come on at any wisp of non application but there was none. We passed well and were on top and deservedly went one up when a Bully corner pathetically miscued trickled into the box and evaded everyone except the much derided Brendan who, marauding into the box, forced the ball emphatically home from some part of his knee, ( enjoy your skiing this week Brendan with so many other Knobs. Cunts!
Gavin was playing havoc with his pace but could we get it right for him. Yes we could second half.
1-0 up we were awarded a penalty when one of Gavin's bursts into the area led to a scything. Would I instead of John Twigg given it , I'm certain I would. For the second week running Steve, Mr Reliable, approached and saw his firmly struck shot pushed wide! Either keepers are getting quicker or Steve has not regained his conditining after his long lay off. The gossips are out, after all Gav, number one goalscorer, has a 100% record from the spot! Fortunately for Steve, Gavin doesn't attend the post match discussions at the Lytton, where sanity prevails. Shitty pub, poor choice, bring back the even shittier Station at least it's our shitty Station. Anyway, Steve remains penalty taker!!!!!!
Second half they came on stronger but players might not have noticed but when teams exhiliratingly pour downhill attacking, they rarely fancy tracking back when their moves break down. So this proved to our advanatage as several times we broke only to find our final efforts not quite up to scratch. It was only a matter of time and so it proved. Fuck me I've had to stop, I know we went two up. Is it the the bottle of Chardonnay I've imbibed during this afternoon's Aresnal game or is it dementia? Anyway Gavin scored- it's coming back.......slowly. John, John, John,,,, help....
They poured forward and got got one back from a neat header at the the far post. I'd been tellinng Brendan to tuck in throughout, but perhaps this was a tuck too far.
Our third came from a rasping Gavin shot, via a deflection, I think, and they were never coming back.
I remained on the line throughout because it was like a true match though we were undoubtedly superior and deserved the win. I would have come on if an an injury ensued but tactically there was no need for a sub. Not many people appreciate the need for someone to stand on the line and not get a sniff of action on a Sunday morning's Vets game. But that is proper football. At least the football I was brought up in when accursed subs were introduced sometime in the Sixties.
( I suppose I had nowt better to do, some might say- fuck off, if you want to win each game sometimes individuals have to come along and sometimes simply wait for the good of the team).
John Boyle had a cracker at right back- clearing off the line at one attack at 2-1., Trevor was so competent, lovely fist first half, Brendan's passing was excellent and he was never stretched, he scored and cleared off the line. Roy was magnificient! Tony was immense. Chris worked like a dog, sniff sniff, woof woof. Ian was so hard I loved it, love a bit of hardness. Richard was back and effervescent, Steve, though out of position, too far forward, contributed throughout and was full of vocal encouragement. Dave , headerer from afar, scrapped and fought and always worked hard to get back behind the ball and Gavin was a simply a scourge of Vets teams throughout Hertfordshire or anywhere. The oldies just can't handle pace. Come on Gav, next week Sandy, man of the season is within your reach.
A fair turn out in the Lytton- only chips today- / Gavin wasn't there... cunt.. lost my vote. Next weeek Sandy away oh come all you faithful!!!! Especially you Gavin my finger is twitching!
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Can't do next Sunday. Taking my female chess team to a tournament. First time ever there has been a National Chess Championships for girls and as Director of Chess, I can't let that opportunity go. Good luck. I'm sure we can stuff those wallies without me. Even John Boyle is going to play.
Oh Gavin no! the vote is in the balance!
Good night!
Brendan now has 2 goals this season. Top scoring defender, how many has the Chairman got?
6th highest scorer Brendan. Although Bully would be equalling this if he had netted the TWO missed penalties. #bullyaspenaltytakerucudntmakeitup
I cant let the opportunity go to decide that Bully should no longer take penalties. His footballing mojo has gone.
I thought Richard had a very good game on the right flank.
cept when he didnt spot Gavin in early break- square ball, tap in instead a wild swipe high and wide. Yeah he played well.
CHESS! bah fuckin humbug. Top scorer bottles out of top clash! Hopefully we'll have Andy CASTLE to replace the old Queen.
Thought I played very well, Dave was shit.
I over heard Bully and Kenny slagging off the chairman again in the pub. They were commenting on how shit the food was. I heard the words Wanker and dick head mentioned.
Great to play along side Roy again. A quality center back. Our other center back was in his shadow.
i also heard that the works cock, as bad as dave and jimmy saville were also aimed at the chairman. out of order methinks.
Although my bottom smells, my breath is always fine. I regularly change my toothbrush and that is the secret.
I beat the snow and made it to Asda today and found 2 new brushes for 18p! That is obscene. i bought 4.
Am lost in paradise or methinks oblivion. Thank the Lord!
Gavin has not been castled. He'll be there weather permitting!
Right handed people live on average 9 years longer than left handed people.
Fuck me I've just had to chop me left hand off.
That's cos left handed people are a lot more aggressive. That's why they've continued exisiting by being very good at fighting but that obviously causes other problems, hence the lower life expectancy. Who is left handed in our team?
I don't know my left from my right. Would that benefit my life expectancy?
I see that we are on a 3 game winning streak. 2013 could be our year!
I used to be left handed but a visit to Trussells changed me forever.
I am left handed.
Ron's left handed, ask Steve.
Game off all round to Gav's for a bit of chess.
Why don't we meet in Station for a nice game of chess. It will be lovely over a pint.
I don't know how to play chess. I can play draughts or snap if anyones interested.
Just had confirmation that the game will go ahead this Sunday. See you there.
Im not very good in the snow
It's snowing a bit.
Tony's not very good in any weather.
Happy Birthday Jaime.
Has Dave got to the Lytton yet or is it a Captain Scott scenario?
I'm available tomorrow.
Pitch inspection done and game on. Snow cleared and pitch fine. Meet at station 9.30.
y-i you bunch of girlies, I was oot yesterday playing keepie- uppies in my shorty shorts. you're all a bunch of southern softies, especially that Nancy boy Dave who thinks ees 'ard. in mi dae you'd play with an orange ball and nowt would be sed. Wor Jackie milburn wud be turning in his grave man.
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