A well fought friendly sort of game, indifferently refereed where we also had far the better chances and missed them. They led for a good portion of the game from a well struck, long range effort that Debbee could only watch and admire.
It looked as though we were never going to score when a good move featuring X,Y and Z smuggled the ball to Gaven who lashed home unstoppably. Well done.
New boy Dave showed great industry and class. Nice little cameo from Mark Mills. Tony commanding at back. Gavin and Andy lively up front.
Steve was there watching and offering astute tactical and strategic advice.
John B was there, he might play next week- read my tealeaves.
A packed pub, good turnout.
Harpenden away in league next week. Thirteen willing players needed. If you are not selected you will be first on the sheet for the away game at Therfield, the following week.
Mr Minimalism.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Hmm... quiet here- good I'll have a kip in the blog.
Dave must be busy this week!
Little weeeeeeeeed, come ere!
Do you like my shellsuit?
Sorry for the delay folks. Tough game on Sunday. Not much for me to do apart from pick the ball out once. We needed to score more of our many chances.
What I spotted for you this week is 4 cans of tetley's Original (440ml) for only £2.48. Pick these up in Asda.
Most of the younger generation will not like bitter but you can not please everybody. The chairman will like this deal!
Who was the fat bloke helping Ron?
Ron is beyond help.
Who am I?
Bored bored bored
Antidisestablishmentarianism is the longest non-coined (manufactured to be the longest) word in an English dictionary at 30 letters.
But what does antishitashfagmentalism mean?
A movement against the state recognition of an established course. Pfff...do you guys not know anything? I'll have my shooting boots back on this weekend. Never fear...I've been reading some old Roy of the Rovers annuals for inspiration this week. In fact I picked up the 1962 annual from Oxfam today. £3.99. Bargain. And better than the ASDA deal.
established 'church' that should have read.
Can I be Blackie?
Stung by Gavin's comments above about the deal I found I have made another trip to find an even better one.
How about, 5 Caramel Rocky Chocolate biscuits for only 30p at Asda.
In your face Gavin.
Can I be Limpalong Leslie Scottish hero of Hampden in times of yore?
We now have 15 players available for Sunday anyone injured step forward.
Anyone injured , hobble forward. Don't be shy.
I think Chris Wilson will be coming forward as he has been nominated to wash the kit.
15 players, what the fuck am I doing in the squad then.
You John are Assistant Manager and because I will drop out you will be Acting Manager thus reducing numbers to 15.
Helluva strong squad you have.
Sorry.... numbers to 14.
i will manage the team sunday
John, Assistant Manager! He supports Spurs!
Fuck Dave off, i'll never get a game.
Please not Dave. I cant keep up with all the positions he will want to play in.
Remember Knobs needs a featherlite touch at the helm (et) and obviously I'm the man. Put a team together, spoonfeed info re grounds and directions. No team talks, no bollockings, only hippie love!
I will be walking the dogs Sunday morning since I think things are totally organised for a comfortable Knobs win.
Next week Therfield I think I will have a game. See you darlings.
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