A friendly was arranged but the availability was poor- John was left floundering and cynical.
Nevertheless we took the field with 11, with Darren due to leave the fray on the hour. Ron ref but no linesmen.
Pitch a tad bumpy and challenged both sides ability to get the ball down and play a bit of passing football. We all welcomed Matty back to the fold, many happy returns, we need him.
They almost scored within five minutes when Tim was clear through but skied his shot into the locked tennis courts. Thereafter we were forced to play with the rather light and flimsy oomegoolie ball. Not an easy task on such a bouncy pitch.
I thought it was an interesting, friendly run out for both sides, though a touch on the slow side and rather too open but most of the players thought it was the shittiest game ever. What do I know?
They took the lead when a punt down the middle was tended by a retreating Tony and an advancing Trevor. Tony shouted keeper but Trevor kept repeating "away" but Tony showing his deafer side took this to mean get out the way and by the time you could say "fucking hell" in Serbo- Croat, they'd both overun the ball to leave our ex player Kelwyn the arduous task of tapping into an empty goal.
Before the red blushes had cooled from faces, we were level. Darren advanced, disdainfully ignoring entreaties for a pass from Steve, before finding Matt on the right of goal. Matt steadied himself before unleashing an unstoppable rocket from the narrowest of angles. How good did that look!
We bumped on till half time 1-1.
Second half we sort of came out, kicking uphill, but they were nowhere to be seen (metaphorically speaking). Advantage of our plentiful possession led to two further goals. Our second a scrimmage - a poke from Steve, a swish from Chris Cox and a squeeze from the goalie saw the ball arrive on the goal line into the hands of the full back. Penalty! No they sportingly acceded a goal , the ball was over the line when caught.
Shortly afterwards, Phil enjoying more playable possession from left back hoisted over a high cross which floated into the top corner.
Darren went home and we played to the end with players injured and hobbling all over the place, John with a gluteus max. strain, Matt tight hamstring, Chris Cox dead leg and Phil knackered.
Matt had a terrific cross tipped onto and over the bar by the keeper and Trevor saved expertly from a long lob from Kelwyn. Chris Wilson played well. Tommy never got on but his day will come.
The number of throw ins in that game , ball out of play must have accounted for half an hour! We must invest in a ball that returns itself.
Pleasant pop in pub. See you home to Shephall, last league game, next Sunday.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
I thought Dave played well.
I thought Dave and John Twigg played well.
I thought Tony played shit
i love both dave and john t, my type of guys
This could help us at the weekend - Asda are doing 6x380ml bottles of Lucozade for only £2. They have Apple, Orange, Lemon and Original. Sadly no Cherry.
Dave Jordan is my friend- he will always pick me. I just love im.
Gizza Job
Dave you have a job. The Dream Team- the world is your oyster.
I've just let one go.
Dreamy fucker more like it.
He'll be trying his hand at football next.
I think Dave is always trying his hand. He's come a long way I gather. Or should that be comes a long way. Fucked if I know. Who can say?
Ill be voting for Tony and Trev as the new dream team, bolloks to Dave and Twiggy and Brendan can fuck off as well
Whilst out today I found that Asda were doing five packs of twix for £1. What a deal. I bought two packs.
As Andy Gray would say - twix fits!
LOVELY PITCH away at Ashwell on beautiful astroturf at Baldock.
Tell yer mates they'll all want to play.
Come on we must fulfil this fixture.
we can play
Clarence my duck was taken by a fox last night.
No jokes please I'm upset.
I love foxes but there you are.
I loved that duck he was a plucky ducky regularly fighting the dogs and ruling the cats.
John will miss him.
All I'm left with is a heap of feathers near Darren's fence.
Bill the other duck is grieving- really, he'll lose his squark if he keeps it up.
C'est la vie.
Lots of interest in Mothers day fixture away to Ashwell, but bear in mind if you have a mate who fancies a game- preferably a male mate who possesses football boots we might need them.
The mate not so much the boots since its likely to be on astroturf.
John was great I love him
Big Phil has made his mark.
To the laundrette with him.
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