Back from the freeze, a fair result?
Two fairly good natured sides trying to play and play fairly. Degenerated into bitchy, argumentative expletive ridden mayhem. Noone was nasty and noone got hurt and there were a few laughs. Why did it happen? Well the referee had an appallingly poor game. Whether his usual performance or an off day I wouldn't know but I know what I suspect. Every decision went their way except at the end when he missed Brendan fingertipping round the post to deny them a goal. Apparently all near the action saw it except the ref (and me I was too far away- about the same position as the ref). Mitigation, he only had one linesman ours, their linesman to our attacks became their back four, assisting a ref who was hardly up with the play and would find it geometrically impossible to judge an offside from his position. Yet he repeatedly did venture his "opinion" to deny our attacks! We and I would never have 'discussed' the issues with the Harpenden Rovers ref- we were warned we'd be off and he meant it. But hey give a dog a sniff and he'll wank a mile.
They missed a few in the first half but so did we, when through. We played a neat move to open the scoring through Martin and were all pleased with ourselves by half time. Richard was scythed down in the penalty area running in on goal, not seen by the ref. Seen by the right back though- certain penalty, but hey it's all about opinions! We reattached Richard's leg and played on.
Brendan replaced an injured Chris at half time, he fell off a ladder- before the game that is. Brendan coped well alongside man of the match Alistair.
They had few or even no chances in the second half and our team played well with a pleasing shape to it. Late on they scored from the spot after an innocuous piece of overguarding by our usual culprit in the far corner of the area led to a penalty when danger was nil. You've read this before? Too true , but we love him. Dave had a ferocious horizontal volley tipped over by their most potent force the keeper. Which brings up another moan about this "league of veterans". Fair enough allowing a 25-30 year old play as a keeper- 2010-2011 rules- but he launched all their attacks, wanted all their free kicks and even was up there to take their penalty. Howay, is it only John and I who have a view of what constitutes a legitimate veteran's league. Other than a league format fair enough we'll play against any ages.
Nuff grumbling, I enjoyed my full run out and discovered I can still do it.
When the referee gave a free kick against John for dodging out of a sandwich resulting in their two players dramatically colliding. John's noone's meat. Twas my laugh of the match.
Ron- aged 65 and a quarter
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
we wuz robbed- think you have been kind to the referee. Incompetent yes, but his uselessness was in favour of his mates side the whole game.
oops noone home they're all Christmas shopping I expect.
Who am pisst off I'd like a word with you.
A bit kind to the Ref i think. Ally was a close 2nd to Dave i think.
Thanks for that comment Anonymous Dave of Charlton. Moving on......
i think the manager has his tongue right up chairman al's ring
Right, where do i start? Oh yeah the Ref was an utter cunt! All the decisions went the way of the opposition and not one went for us. The prick did'nt see Richard's leg get amputated in their penalty box and gave a foul when it was'nt when john jumped out the way of two opponents. Richard gets an elbow in the back, not given "body to body" by all acounts although they get the decision for a similar takle in our half. A complete wanker of the highest order. What was the point of wearing a referee's kit he would have been better off wearing a clowns outfit. Oi! Ron, why would i write about myself there's enough people on here who would love to do that anyway.
Would I say that?
Where are all the writers? Bored, or illiterate suddenly. I agree the referee was very poor. \I tried to encourage him to do better and he sent me off! No, but it's a hard job- obviously a wee bit beyond him.
Would I say that?
Where are all the writers? Bored, or illiterate suddenly. I agree the referee was very poor. \I tried to encourage him to do better and he sent me off! No, but it's a hard job- obviously a wee bit beyond him.
do you mean he was really shit?
Find it difficult to spell "shhhitt" so tend not to use that word.
Darren Harman is still in the fold.
Baa Baa- will return soon.
Gavin has not yet retired- second hand information.
Steve Bull is ageing another year on Saturday.
Snow is on its way but Station drink will remain on on Sunday.
What drink Sunday?
Has JB been on the mulled wine already! What the hell has happened to the website. Is this the new winter colour?
what time does the Raja open Sunday night?
Game off Sunday too cold!!
We open at 5.30 on a Sunday evening
Only listen to me , Methuselah, ignore any other namby pamby southern comments as psychic frailities from numb thumbs- bums.
tell them to knit some gloves- the fannies.
Game on !
Are you sure the Raja opens at 5.30?
This is is important.
Sundays game defo off. Due to snow and frozen pitch. Hopefully Paul will still bring out some sandwiches on Sunday. Shall we tell him that the game has been cancelled?
game is back on, i repeat ON and we will play regardless of the weather or what the parish council or mr raja say.
I told you we open at 5.30 on a Sunday, don't you listed you infidel
What time did you say, you cunt!
Is the cricket club open on Sunday? Would like to watch football whilst having a drink.
Confirmed by the parish council this morning that the game has been called off and the goals have been taken down for tne winter break
goals taken down every week to discourage old men playing on the pitch. Winter break over 35 meant to last a lifetime.
Shall we organise a cricket match for sunday morning?
just heard from the parish council that the pitches are fine and the game is ON tomorrow, i repeat ON.
Yes the're on at the Rec.
2010 World Wanking Championships- just behind Mark Mills favourite tree.Be there midday
i'll be there
Excellent turn out at the festive drink imbibulation at the Station Ritz.
Players playing in the next game John Boyle, Ron, Dave Chris Wilson, Paul, Chris G and Gavin. Everyone else is dropped.
There will be a repeat performance of Sundays drinking session this coming Christmas eve. Starting from 1pm. Please try and make it you bunch of arse blowers.
Repeat performance?
Hope not, I shat meself twice, bliddy freezin in those dining rooms.
On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
flu and a bout of vomitting!
No game Monday a frozen pitcch and pissed manager calls the game off.
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