A close first half 2-2, then subsidence when we kicked downhill. It could have ended up a thrashing. Perhaps it was.
One or two thoughts.
It's not easy at Vets level to compete in a straightforward way to win. Everyone tries but the problem always is, and will be, the compulsory use of subs- albeit roll on and off or whatever. The first eleven to start is not always the best competetive team. Everyone would have different views on that anyway before we even embark on tactics and individual expectations. Sometimes the use of subs comes off and we win or draw and sometimes it doesn't and we lose. Yesterday it didn't. When it doesn't seem to be working, matters can slip from bad to worse. Heads go down, little cabals develop on the field, individuals start doing what individuals do best following their own individual agendas. So we lost. So was it enjoyable, well probably, cos it was a flowing, aggro free game
despite the second half struggle and the result. And despite the newly found argumentative streak from Monsieur Boyle - he's been watching too much of the Under 7's.
I firmly believe if we had proceeded in the second half with the team set up and personnel we started the game with we would have won. But as mentioned above and on previous occasions we are always in danger of jettisoning any impetus, shape and flow of a performance by using subs compulsorily. Doesn't even matter really who has to come on, more often than not the performance is often adversely affected. And I thought it was yesterday. This is no criticism merely an observation of the reality of our set up.
We took the lead with a lovely, brave opportunist header from John Boyle from a long cross to the far post by Chris Wilson. We were warned they had some good footballers, some youth, and some know how and they equalised when a swerving shot was well parried by Trevor only to find noone anticipating from our side, resulting in a smash in at second attempt.
Our lead was restored by Andy set free by....? and banged in unopposed.
Their equaliser might have been fortuitous in that the ball was smashed against their midfielder Chris Smith pointblank, who ran onto the ball and scored top corner from 20 yards. Picture finish. Handball? I didn't think so. Certainly no intent to handle if it indeed did hit his hands (which I couldn't see) and anyway he hardly controlled it! Certainly controlled the shot mind!
Gavin came off shortly before half time, to be replaced by Tony of locked in the lavatory fame, returning from injury. John Boyle having had a blinder first half, nowhere more than in the effort department was substituted for Martin who replaced Chris W, positionally, the latter moving to left midfield and half an hour's isolation. See it was all a little difficult. Ten minutes into the second half, by which time we were trailing by 2, Tony of locked in the lavatory fame was taken off for presumably an early bath/shite or what. Don't worry Tony "you're my favourite" and by the way Alistair doesn't do Christmas cards so don't worry.
We were rather open defensively , second half, and they punished us. But hey they played well and it wasn't all down to our own frailties. Helluva good goal by the tubular winger- don't often concede one like that! All shimmy and footwork then a clever placed finish, Trevor couldn't have spotted through the crowd.
One criticism second half. We don't have a great header of the ball up front and each of Trevor's booming clearances, from hand, were comfortably headed clear by the centre half, in a flawless display of unchallenged heading as each one came unerringly and centrally onto his head.. Trev's boomers should have gone wide, see if the centre half liked running 30 yards left or right to head clear, or we should have been content to persevere by building up from the back through the middle. Our strengths????? No togetherness in sorting that out on the pitch. How do we want to play, what do we think our strengths are- these are things that should occupy our thoughts no matter who the personnel on the park are.
Second half it has to be said our attacking players were well shackled.
A few in the pub. Home in the rain. Decided lack of enthusiasm being shown for Blunham game next week- lots of injuries and non availability. It's at home!
Toodle pip
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Ron says it's only a game. Hes right. lets enjoy what we can and be pals together. How many of the current crop will have the willpower or any power to play into their fifties.Very few Id sday.
Too right. It is only a game. But who is doing the write-up on dave's dirty weekend?
A self penned autobiography coming our way soon.
Tell it how it is Ron. Al made some shit desicions wrong personnel in the wrong places. Tony deserves a full game next week. Dave would have beat their centre back in the air (more than most) is Alistair the new Tinker man or does he just like fiddling!
Ali is a highly respected and respectable fiddler and can tinker with the best of them. Give credit where credit is due.
he also has the hide of a rhino so say what you think.
Will there be any teams that John Boyle and Gavin will play against by the end of this season? Both are to fragile (scared) to play against Blunham this weekend... Bless em.
Never been scared of anyone. John and I have taken kicks all year. John even gives them out now and again. We have to remember what Blunham are like. Some people have principles and believe that football should be played in the right way and in the right spirit. When they start taking the ball into the corners again with 5 minutes left or start slagging off the ref after 5 minutes (assuming it is a close match) then you'll remember what a bunch of old shit it is playing against them. I will be there though...got the kit. Ho-hum. Just be dropping it off though.
Don't rise to it Gavin. Your better than that. You must be exhausted though writing a long reply! Put your hands on your hips and walk around with your head down for 10 minutes.
Not sure that I'll be able to participate in many more games, big people keep picking on me and quite frankly I find it all a bit intimidating. I can't even have a decent argument as all I get back are threats of violence and it scares me. I might make tea for the Blunham players on Sunday, they might talk nicely to me then, might even be able to make friends with some of them.
can someone put some paint on the centre spot please, Bully has worn it away !
We'll never reach the penalty spot this Sunday, halfway line yes, as we kick off.
I will play v Blunham even though roundly chastised as a cheat by them, can't be too choosy with this gangrene threatening premature retirement **.
** any age in the 70's thanks top the marvels of modern science
fuck me we're all doomed.
People are dropping out like flies, where's the resilience, we are better than somec of these shits so play up boys, we're British not fanny bluts!
I did get tired typing that. In fact I've stayed behind my desk most of the day exactly as you said. Did manage to open up chess club though. Ahhhh...the sportsmanship of chess. Beautiful to see. Packed it was. Big game soon in the National School's Chess Championship - Abingdon School. Tough draw.
One mans chess is another mans cheese- I think.
Football can be a bit like chess if we are not careful.
SO- if people don't want to play, that's fine.
Check my mate
Available for Sunday Ron. Shall i bring the snooker balls in a sock?
No just bring a bottle of Sarsens with a punctured hole inm the top that'll sort the bastards out.
can people stop using the word Alistair, my therapist says I need to move on !
Dear Teacher
Dont you worry about letting your team mates down by pulling out of the games, that might get a bit tough. What happened to together as one? You come back and play when youre ready sir.
Good morning- remember we're all in this together, the big beautiful society
Don't recall any team mates rushing to my side when I was being threatened by big people recently! All I recall is being scared and lonely.
man up !
Unity is strength.
John I thought it was a mountain out of a molehill. You were fighting for the ball (not literally) and I judged it a fair contest. The big guy's protests were just that- protests- if it had turned nasty I would have been up there trying, trying I say to protect you and kick shit out of him.( I must not have my whistle so close to my scrotum sack however,) Didn't come to anything but for future times we're all for one and one for all Reet?
PS he's a whinger there was no obvious foul- gerrop wi thi game if only people would!
i am available sunday
Did someone have a go at my mate John on Sunday. I would have ripped his head off if i was there. Rather than having a full English and a suck!
Dear Axe at the ready,
THE BLOKE'S NAME WAS pAYNE- HE WAS 6FOOT 2 and about 14 stone, he lives in Stevenage- do you want his address?
get it right, the name is paine not payne you dickhead.
Thanks for the kind words Dave, I know you'd be there for me.
Hope you enjoyed the full english, oh and I hope Nik enyoyed her full english as well!
Ah Pain- as in the arse- nice one.
Anyone watching the darts? King vs Wade was a classic. Should be an olympic sport. Poor mans archery.
This is a football blog so stick ur darts up your arse. 6 foot 2 and from Stevenage? Ooh im scared.
fuck me i'm scared all the time- but Brendan said last night that people opting out of games are a disgrace!
Sorry Brendan it must be told.
that cunt brendan, i'll knock him out. first he tells fibs about his knees being knackered and now this. what next eh, what next? the club has gone to shit and i know who i blame
surely not Ron? Come on name names.
Billy, Pumpy or Shitty?
Have i been selected?
You are forgotten you knob
Shame Painey wasn't around for the return, well and truly missed!
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