At last a win and a delightful spring morning in addition- the equinox. A match teeming with bonhomie. Phil reluctantly in goal, untroubled, Ron linesman, non troublesome and John Twigg reffing, saturated in compliments and bon mots throughout. "Thank you referee you are certainly no cheating cunt" and "oh swipe me down with a brolly referee I nearly demurred at your decision til I realised you were oh so right- I'll buy you a sherbet in Ye Jolly Olde Station afterwards."
We started well some nice incisive moves with no finish before becoming bogged down in the heat. I thought we were becoming complacent and feeling it to be a matter of time before we scored a few and won. Alistair assures me it was the heatwave. After all we bystanders have never experienced such stamina sapping condtions before so shurrup Ron. Gavin came on for a drained Darren and immediately slalomed through before setting up a glorious chance, which was missed by one of the M and M's. It was conceivably a poor cross of course! They, Goldings' youngest ever side, rarely threatened and Phil hardly had to make a save worthy of the name. Huffing and puffing continued into the second half until an incisive move started by a class Steve pass went from Gavin to Matt who then unselfishly squared to John B who netted, comfortably or was it other than that? Dave had a terrific game defensively and in attacking support, Roy's final contribution a death defying tackle showed us what we have missed and Chris G had another steady perceptive game. Hopefully all enjoyed the outing, but don't know why St John gave me my whistle back at the end, he'll be number one blower in the future.
A moderate pub turn out and sandwiches late in arrival were neverthelees devoured. Pity the opposition had all departed by then. Next week it's Old Pretenders at home and then a break for Easter Sunday unless anyone fancies the Dads and Coaches?
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Add them to the banned list, far too aggressive.
Big up John Twigg. Great game and well composed.
the ref had a great game
Any further off the pitch and ron will be in his back garden in a deckchair next week.
A bathchair probably
Bad cross? You couldn't make it up. The number of centres that have gone begging this year is beyond belief...that's why I whack the odd one or two over the bar or past the post, just to join in. It's my emotional intelligence training kicking in so I make everyone feel better about their misses. By the way, thought Chris Wilson had another excellent game (not mentioned in the write up), loads of energy and some great breaking up play in the middle of the park. The two Chris' have surely got to be joint favourites for Player of the Year. Or is it too early to say.
Player of the year must be 35 or over- natch and yes Chris W has been excellent, as always, but please statistician note the number of games he has missed!
Come on United nevertheless.
Player of the year must be Ron for the number of games he has had to watch and blow a whistle at. Closely followed by Chris W and Dave. Next would be John B. No one else has really stood out this season.
I think that would be Ref of the Year! And did you write Dave?!? Must have been a typo. To be fair though, he has certainly deserved his starting place over the last few matches. He has shown some great energy wherever he has placed. Always choose your form players.
just watched ronald score for wolves at west ham
He must be back on his veg diet to have so much energy/wind.
Twas me that missed the cross from Gavlar. The ball was under me so it means a bit of guess work. I like to be able to see the ball on to my foot. Unlucky in the 2nd half when a perfect cross got a touch from the keeper. As for the hard tackling, i dont mind that but not when i cant see it coming.
Zamora for England!
wots inglind?
Oy Oy Saveloy. What's old and wrinkly and hangs out your pyjamas?
Your mum!
i am available tomorrow if you are struggling for players, i am still about you know
So is bubonic plague and Tb so fuck off
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