A glorious day, a pitch bouncy and bumpy, signs of grass growing and we lost.
A competitive game, which was good but disappointing in that we failed to put away the many chances we had. They had hardly any at all yet probably looked to be the more competitive side.
an illusion- they had to my mind the advantage of only having 11 men. We had two subs and therein lies, in my opinion, our weakness on the day. On and off, on and off and disruption.
Starting with Roy on the bench proved a bit of a disaster but he was struggling with injury, but you wouldn't have known it when he came on at 2-0 down. Things were tighter thereafter and it was only a question of clawing our way back into ther game. Chances came and went yet when a lovely header from Mike, at the end of a patient move (Steve Bull cross) brought us to 2-1 we still had time to knacker them but we didn't.
Poor challenging or rather no challenging for both their headed goals was no discredit to Paul who performed solidly in goal.
Gavin just didn't have luck with him on the day, one surge through took him past the keeper for an open goal and he bliddy well slipped. Some cheating homer refs might have given a penalty but not ours.
By the way we started slowly, very slowly, to the point of not starting at all. The first 20 minutes was all theirs on grounds of application, attitude and effort. We were poor. We improved and got better without being totally fluent- they competed to the end, they're not bad. Next game arrive on time, talk to each other before the game, about the game and what you're gonna do on the pitch then gan doon The Fox afterwards and talk as much as you want about anything else.
We shouldn't have to be told.
Matty had new boots. Very nice but they're not hitting the ball as hard as the old ones yet.
Nice to see Martin back and Richard in consecutive weeks.
Happy Easter- next Sunday we play The Dads and Coaches if we can raise 11!?
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
YOU FUCKING WANKERS. No one else was saying anything!
What team are we putting out against the Dads (Cough)and Coaches? More imortantly, what side are they putting out?
So far we've got Paul, Ron (injured), Phil, Roy, Chris W, Mark.
Waiting to hear from Steve B, Matt, Chris G, Martin, Darren.
I'll ask Phil if Robin is available.Anyone else out there?
Did anyone notice our supporters on Sunday. The cider boys from the station, the railway station that is. The pub's too low class for them.
What about Bill, Kenny, that bloke from Ashwell Mark?
Well no one else was saying anything again!!
i am available sunday
Do come 'forgotten' knob and you can play, honest. I wonder who you are?
I see the EU are considering repealing legislation compelling eggs and boxes to be labelled according to farming method. Why?
Cos farmers can't get rid of the battery shite if they have to tell people about their appalling farming practices. Off with their heads, the EU weakknees not the chickens. Let the chickens enjoy some sort of life and we can enjoy the good quality eggs they provide.
The organic free range eggs I enjoy (too much) are simply incredible and bought from the supplier, cheap.
Write to your MEP and write to the Commissioner for Agriculture, Mariann Fischer Boel at the EU, B-1049 Brussels, Belguim.
Then you too can be my friend and a friend of all hens and chickens.
Let go Ron (of the bottle that is)
did i used to get a game?
Not if you were a battery hen in an earlier incarnation you didn't.
Now I was and let me tell you all it was no fucking joke sitting cramped in the dark all day and every night firing blanks for the human race. I didn't used to get a game either but my friend is writing to an MP, that nice Mrs Follett so that's all right then.
Does anyone have any idea of the relevance of Easter eggs?
Recent surveys have revealed that most kids have not got a clue about the meaning of Easter.
I could tell you.
£1.50 for 15 eggs...now that's value. Fuck the chickens. With chives chopped into your scrambleds, you can't tell the difference. There is a reason we've evolved...so we can treat the rest of the animal population like shit and eat them. YUM YUM in my TUM!!!
Pox and Salmonella have also evolved with us and many other insidious diseases associated with our dubious agricultural practices.
Smallpox anyone?
SMALLPOX!!! Stick it in at 220C for an hour and a bit and you've got no chance. Cheep chickens rule! (Geddit?)
Joke for Chris Griffiths:
What do you do if a bird shits on your car?
Don't ask her out again!
The Easter egg symbolises the stone being rolled away from Jesus
tomb. Bowling paste eggs down the hill and all that.
Pagan wise the resurrection is equivalent to the world's rebirth in spring. Persephone's return from her sojourn in the underworld (winter).
On a very serious club matter.Could I please suggest that everyone put a name label in their black sweatshirt.This would stop people inadvetently taking each others clothes home.Its not nice to think teammates are stealing each others clothes, and not good for team moral.
Our team has no morals.
Take the plight of the battery hen for example........zzzzzzzz...no seriously you wouldn't want to be enclosed in a tight dark space with no room to shake a tail feather baby....
Anyway Chris Wilson's sweatshirt is in the capable hands of Alistair so there we are honest.
Who took my brown striped underpants home last Sunday? I refuse to lable them on grounds I might be found out as the owner. Please leave them discreetly in a brown paper bag next to the litter bin near Trussells. And no peeping.
Just come back from Station, Stoke 1 Newcastle 1- worst game I've seen in Premier ever.
Anyway half of our crowd from last week was entertaining the lumpen proletariat for most of the game. Cider boy had been lying down on the railway line, lying down in the road and beating up the phone box- the phone box won on a TKO.
He had 2 paramedics around him for 40 minutes as they waited the police to come and scrape him up. They obviously had to cover themselves and stay with him. What a waste of money. He gets his cider from shops who shouldn't be serving him especially our wonderful wine shop and that little newsagent near Guns Lane.
I'm putting some Delius on, having a bath and gannin to bed. I give up we're aal doomed.
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