We played a total of 32 games this season, winning 21, drawing 3 and losing 8. We scored a total of 91 goals and conceded 56.
Players who made 10 appearances or more (including coming on as sub) were as follows:
32 – Steve Bull
29 – Matt Peacock
25 – Brendan Wren
24 – John Boyle
24 – Roy Oakley
22 – Phil Wells
21 – Chris Griffiths
20 – Ron Crennell
20 – Trevor Hyatt
20 – Chris Wilson
19 - Dave Jordan
19 – Gavin Simpson
17 – Martin Byron-Grange
16 – Mark Mills
15 – Richard Curzon
14 – Steve Hammond
12 – John Twigg
10 – Mike Lisle
Other players who made appearances were:
8 – Bill Martin, 7 – Carl Harrow, 6 – Paul Crosby, 6 – Nick Mathers, 4 – Andy Mills, 2 – Dave Fish, 2 – Nigel Gallagher, 2 – Kenny Hogg, 2 – Jason Naylor, 2 – Peter Taylor, 1 – Rob Childs, 1 – Uncle Tom Cobley
The 91 goals were scored by:
29 - Matt Peacock
8 - Steve Bull
8 – Gavin Simpson
7 – Mike Lisle
6 – John Boyle
6 – Ron Crennell
5 – Richard Curzon
5 – Phil Wells
4 – Mark Mills
3 – John Twigg
3 – Chris Wilson
2 – Bill Martin
2 – Brendan Wren
1 – Martin Byron-Grange
1 – Dave Jordan
1 – Own Goal
The Fair Play League
The final league table is now available on the website at http://www.clubwebsite.co.uk/knebwortholdboysfootballclub/league_table.pl
Sandy won the league though half of their 24 points were obtained by being awarded points from forfeited games. In games played Sandy won 3, drew 3 and lost 2.
We were awarded points from 1 forfeited game and in games played won 6, drew 1 and lost 4.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
In many ways.
I thought Brendan scored 3, we talked of this statistic, not at length, merely in passing, on Sunday. Please check Monsieur Professor et tu Statto, then discuss.
Worra fuckin season says old guy in his dotage. I met, chatted to and experienced people in contexts I wouldn't have thought relevant or even possible at my age. I still think I can contribute but can't really, perhaps Peter Pan's genes are more obstinately operating in me than others. Mind you I retired before any of you lot from the economic grindstone of existence. 54 and an eternity ahead. Advice- don't work too long but play as long as possible or even as long as impossible.
Thanks for putting up with my raging against the dying light and the odd mouthful, especially the one with spittle attached (ASHAMED- but so far no news of any adverse health reaction). It's been a privilege to know, drink and play with you all. Bon chance in the road of life.
Haa, was'nt that nice.
who gave away the own goal (got to be contender for own goal of the season) and how many goals did our pool of keepers escorted in to the net??
Ron is the NEW Tinker man! 30 players used in 32 games, squad rotation and all that bollocks...
Ron, adapt your game and you have a few years of playing left in you.
The OG was scored by Roy.
Roy got 2 own goals
Roy definitely scored two own goals. But Statto's record reveals the own goals on our behalf.
I love you all.
Anyone fancy a kick about over the Rec on Sunday? I'll bring the traffic cones.
anyone fancy tickling my rec on sunday?
Anyone fancy coming down the Rec on Sunday and pissing up my trunk?
It's raining at last.
What about a clean sheet list for the goalies?
What of toilet paper?
i can see from your responses that none of you are interested in a light training session. As i will be bored on the first Sunday post footy season my pre season training starts then. Feel free to join me (bring a ball)
How many wanted a free feel of you?
As of next week, I'm up for it.
Question: Was it the worst FA Cup final ever?
Of course not, you've been at the chocolate buttons.
Give them all we've got. They deserve it. It's called capitalism.
David Hillier is a fireman now, poor dab, they didn't earn millions a year when he played, only hundreds of thousands. It's all relative. They earned what the times offered. If they didn't save tough tittie. In a few years no doubt Rooney and Ronaldo will be mewling of the pauperism of the age they played.
Turn over in yer grave Hughie Gallacher and soon Paul Gascoigne. What a a short memoried species we are. Give of the times.
I remember a time when £300 a year was a nice little bonus for playing the game I loved. But you have to have a life beyond that!
why is my head in my pants?
When I was a lad, a bag of coal would be enough to get me out playing for England.
Nick has a lovely dog for rehoming, not for you Matt. Come on someone must have a contact?
By the way I first played football in a badly cobbled back lane kicking a plastic ballcock from a lavatory cistern at various wooden doors. If you could control that these mitre balls today would be a piece of piss
Before that we used scrunched up paper inside an ould sock.
Once at University a geology mate brought a skull back from a trip. That made a good footie for a while but it tended to hurt your feet and and roll proper.
I bet there were plenty of ghouls in that game!
I first started playing football with an invisible ball, we were so poor. Very difficult to avoid cheating though. However I was really brilliant.
Funny that- I always wanted to see an invisible referee.
Only a week to go until the biggest evening in the history of the Fox Public House. The Knobs presentation gala is nearly upon us. Lets see as many of you as possible attend, even the moody gits who would not vote!
I have a feeling Mathew may win the top goalscorer award but the other two who knows. JB CG MP SB BW and Roy must all be in with a shout... the not knowing is killing me, or is that the drink thats killing me???
It's killing me finding out who MP is? Not Mark Pills surely? Was Ron not involved this year? I might turn up for a giggle at the Fox I bet hardly any of the cunts show. They get their game arranged and that's their commitment. I know.
Anyway good luck with your night. is there any pole dancing?
All votes are now in and the ballot boxes are closed.
I do hope that nothing has been tampered with and that the counting process can be finished by next Friday.
Would hate for it to go to a run-off!
MP is Member of Parliament.
is mark pills in the running for an award?
HE he. URL's in the titles!
Is there pole dancing Malcolm?
There will be oak beam dancing. It is the Fox after all.
Don't vote for a pillock.
Did Mark Poles get any votes by the way?
Also after 10 pints I love a run off or two.
Malcom to represent the UK next year in Eurovision. Come on Malcolm! You can beat those xenophobic fuckers! Do they know that the UK saved them all from speaking German? Bastards. Bomb the lot of them. Specially the Balkans. Cheaters the lot of them.
Did Terry spit on Tevez?
Observer " Terry blowing mucus down the back of Tevez's shirt, a dark art known in the trade as 'deguttling'. "
There's interesting. He must surely be made England captain. He can deguttle and expectorate for England and make us World Deguttling Champions if nowt else.
Is Ron setting a trend?
What are we living for
Teleological reasons aint no more.
has the counting finished? have i won the award?
Yeah bullshitter of the season.
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