No snow, a welcoming change - yer soft southern ninnies, yi divvint caal what we've had snae di yi ?
A spare sort of team, Kevin didn't show for his season's debut but fortunately Phil made a comeback, at least fortunate for those who didn't mind his abrasive, chiselled 'encouragements' (the new Big Bob anybody?).
A goal down on a bouncy pitch with a new ball saw us struggle for cohesion. Too many attempts at playing pure football, one touch instead of controlling the ball and passing- a little slower perhaps but more certain. That fucker up front played like Johnny Haynes at 100 not £100 quid a week that is. Look up yer history books.
Gavin made several incisive runs in the first half before being upended for a penalty which Steve slotted with aplomb. 1-1. Steve then shot a ball up a tree but divvint worry they sent a dwarf orang utan up to retrieve it at half time. Well twas a new ball!
A Steve miscue fell a- wanting before asaid mentioned orang utan, ancient and grizzled, smacked in the rebound to give us a 2-1 lead.
Second half saw many more raids from a fleetfooted but coffeeless Gavin before one of his cutbacks from the by line was smashed helplessly home by their centreback, a man who wasn't so hapless later when flattening Matt as he rampaged goalwards. Freekick came to naught.
They scored again before a busy Ron ran in front of a Matty shot to divert it succinctly behind the line for 3-1. The og became the 4th. Two goals and a woz on a hattrick. Unfortunately Mark wasn't up to doing a spot of reffing to give Bill a run so yours truly had to sacrafice the opportunity of sextuaganarian glory and take over reffing himself. Thank you Mark I come from a long line of elephants! A goal for Matt was disallowed when I felt he was offside and took pity on a forest of opposition hands so claiming. Not in the mood for an argument on such a bounteous day the goal was disallowed and only Matt's ire had to be faced. The fifth goal was a pretty little move when Matt slotted a ball to Bill who finished with firmness, coolness and precision.
Roy fouled, Dave asthmaaaaaed, Brendan ran without caution and all was well in the world. Their man John played his final game at 60, didn't he look old- fucking hell what does this mean?
Someone stole the corner flags so a new monitor is required if they ever reappear.
We adjourned to the Fox and Malcolm's hospitality where even JB drank proper beer. A good turnout capped by suasages, onions and bread which was as welcome as it was unexpected. It almost felt like a pub, in fact it was!
Me back hurts, where was Kevin, and next week it's a tough game v Walkern at home, 1-1 results on the season, next game the winner.
Almost but not quite.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
That report is all over the shop. Do you know you forget 40% of what you've learnt after 5 minutes and 80% after 24 hours? Ron's got no hope has he. Anyway, if we play like we did on Sunday, Walkern will walkern all over us! We don't want our season ending like the gooners do we?
Hope you enjoyed the sausages and chips.
It were all videod or videooed or videeoed or videeood or even videeooed. Anyway someone saw the game and said we were great or grate or grating. Or....
Would you like more onions with your sausages and chips next week?
Brilliant save by Trevor in second half omitted from the 'match report'!
Thought the onions were too greasy, suggest Malcolm uses extra virgin olive oil- will instruct him on Sunday.
Dave Jordan shot hit the corner flag.
Matt has 24 goals can he reach 30, please assist him.
No news from Kevin, broken heart?
Still frosty out, hold back the peas.
Matt would be one closer if we didn't all care about Dave's bollocks!
With the way i was shooting on Sunday i think i will be lucky to reach 25 for the season.
Mental note to self. Take a touch prior to shooting.
Still frosty out!! I have just planted out my Tiger Toms!
My shot hit the corner flag!! Don't exaggerate, it missed the corner flag. I believe my bollocks saved a goal well before matthew made his way up the park. They are the sacrifices we have make. By the way my prized plum toms are coming on a treat.
Watch out for Knebworth blight. No it's not the Station manager.
My Tiger Toms survived the frost. A bell jar and some agricultural fleece saved the day.
Do you think it is a tad early to sow Pak Choi?
is it too early to sow the hole in my socks.
Tad early, talking of tads the bloody heron's nadging his way through all my tadpoles.
Pak Choi too early, wait till June for it to even start growing , 30 days to maturity but can be harvested using the cut and come again for more process.
Wholly socks put em in the compost bin.
Anyone tried growing Swiss Chard in a grow bag?
Can we all start sowing the seeds of love?
Wholly socks can be put to good use for sock puppets. Stick your little finger through it and it can become a tongue on a snake!
I have a big bag full of seeds if anyone needs some.
Is it wholly, holy or holly socks?
How many of you will be in on Sunday?
Fackin tousands yer onions are the stuff of legends, well stuff anyway.
Forget onions, Matt just dreams about getting them in the onion bag.
Could you ask Malcolm if he is interested in me supplying the sausages for the post game beer+onions+baps+bangers fest please.
Fuck off a get my sausages from Linda McCartney you poncy carnivore.
Do you want ketchup with the sausages and chips?
I like Mustard on my Sausage.
Ketchup? We got it.
Mustard? We got it.
Beer? We got it.
Conviviality? We got it.
Aught else required?
A fit bird behind the bar?
What time will you be in on Sunday? Will the opposition be coming along as well?
Just got my national over 60's bus pass, no holding me back now.
just got the sausages ready, want some for the weekend?
Anything for the weekend sir!?
a game would be nice!
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