A difficult time of bad weather and disinterest.
We scraped a team out thanks to crippled Dave (watch him in 2015!). We featured a goalie, Terry who I gather hadn't played an 11 a side for 14 years. He certainly looked the part, massive kicks and goal kicks crossing the half way line, Vinnie and Paul would have relished that sort of distribution. So would I. It would have cut out our dependence on purist triangular passing football to get us somewhere in the vicinity of their half. Tippy tappy football which oh so often floundered in the mud we are facing this year. It lets us down and so it did here. But there was no Paul or Vinnie or even fleet footed Gavin to enjoy such back to front directness only the lonely Joel fighting and scrapping furiously alone on scraps. Except for one occasion when a directed cross found him six yards out and his instinctive header arrived at totally the wrong spot, the keeper's midriff. Well done Joel you worked hard and alone throughout.
They were no great shakes but did have 3 players who were faster and fitter than anyone on our team, a difference at Vets level.
They took the lead when a bouncing ball found Tony out and his instinctive arm to ball led to a converted penalty. Pity, no one near him. The second shortly afterwards had plenty of defenders around who were simply not up to preventing their bloke's challenge and simple knock in from close in. Should never have been a cross and should have been more robustly challenged when it arrived.
Dave's dog Chilli barked enthusiastically- bred in Therfield no doubt.
2-0 half time.
Second half neither team threatened except for Martyn threatening me for not keeping up with play with the flag. He was quite right, I were too busy gassing with Dave and northern Ian on the side. Smack my bottom- if you dare!
Some poor individual performances I thought but we were hardly out of it. We scored in a melee but their linesman's flag saw Les plod toward their guy for the inevitable, to hear the worst and disallow the goal. A joke but no one complained. Gerron with it. Crap weather by the way drizzle and wind, where's the curling rink?
Steve craftily sent a free kick against the post and then we launched our secret weapon. Ron came on. I made 6 passes 5 of them went to our men which rejuvenated me. The premeditated one to Joel just didn't come off but hey am a little rusty. And also for the first time in nearly three years not a twinge from that Achilles. I'm back.
I thought Martyn was very elegant some tasty tackles,/interventions and fouls let down by some over elaboration in his distribution and the crap pitch was a factor. Terry please come again no fault in any of the goals, the third was slotted in late from a breakaway. Darren had bronchitis and tried his lungs out to no avail, should have been bedridden. Jamie was pleasing in his return after over a year out.
Chris Cox tried his guts out in a central position, but the constructive side so often floundered in the mud. Tony looked fitter than any of our lot highlighted by his fracas way up the right wing handbagging with their Y Fronts model man, mind you his handshake at the end brought tears to my eyes and the piss simply ran down my knees. Y Front man's handshake not Tony's.
Noone wanted to take the kit. I was leaving it filthy for next week to an ever diminishing group till there was only Steve, Tony and me left after our sweeping and locking up. Steve quietly took it.
NOONE likes to take the kit but howay a bit of fairness. we are supposed to be a team.
Next week the kit goes to Brendan. No he's unavailable, Bren no ditto. Not me I've done it 3 times this year and hardly play. This week the kit will be washed by Chris Cox.
Next week..... watch this space.
Pub and home to see Newcastle squeeze out Villa, not too bad a day.
John Boyle, happy birthday today 39 is working his way back to fitness, he will be back we need him.
Gavin. Gavin come and have a game you were player of the year last year and you're so swift and young..... and beautiful. Twitter is no substitute for a game on Sunday
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack