Everyone a winner!
The pre match mind games and subterfuge were not influential. A fair, strongly competed match ensued. Weather of sleet at first, then sun, then cloud so that was all nice. Trevor returned to the Knobs goal and the Knobs had 15 available including Gavin who turned up for the second half and Steve had 13.
Knobs were in the tight, black kit and the Bullsmen wore the yellow- a distinct advantage for the latter.
Knobs defended the bottom goal first half or should have. A very poor showing in which we seemed lethargic, stiff and to be honest, past it. An early incident saw Dave tackle Steve leaving the latter limping but far from subdued. Dave unfortunately suffered the worst coming off with his knee in tatters. He's out until after Christmas. Christmas 2013.
Steve then enjoyed probably his best game of the season assisted probably, no undoubtedly, by our dearth of midfield presence. How many times did Chris Wilson (strong game) find himself up against four men in the first half? Often we paraded, two advanced players, yawning gap, Chris, then another yawning gap before encountering our very deep defensive back four. Far far too stretched when kicking uphill against a fairly energetic side with individuals who could play a bit.
They scored with annoying regularity. I remember little of the goals, though Brendan was blamed for all three. He actually smilingly acknowledged his contributions. But he paid his dues as well as his penance by attending both venues for Steve's post match celebrations and taxiing people to and from Rileys. Good lad. Half time 3-0 to Steve.
Second half shaded by Knobs but we only clawed back the one goal , a fine deep cross by Paul Crosby emphatically placed in the net by John B's head. Andy did hit a post late on but there were no sitters missed as in our past two games since we hardly created any clear cut chances. But the endeavour was good to see and the first half rot was stopped. On such a day as this a brisk, warm up should be the order of the day so that individuals start with some degree of fluidity.
Nice to see Phil Wells turn out, please come again. Everyone was highly pleased that Tony failed to capitalise on a defensive error when through one on one with the keeper. Phew!
Hope Alistair's head is better after his battering by rough boy Trevor.
Thanks to MBDA's Les for reffing the game.
The showers were broken hence freezing. Paul Crosby became the only clean Knob but Bill and John sneaked home to clean up. Why?
The Station was packed to the rafters. It was like being back at school, never seen as many kids.
Steve friends were well represented and most of the Knobs side turned up. A merry scene ensued before the food arrived - lovely!!!!!!
It was then off to Rileys to see Arsenal lose to Man City but mainly to continue drinking the drink at Steve's expense. A couple of us threw in the towel at seven so I cannot say what happened later.
Finally all our thoughts were with Chris Cox yesterday in the wake of the very sad event in his life last weeek. We wish him all the best and obviously anything we can do to help we will be here for him.
Welcome to the festive ramblings of faraway Sir Ronald and his knobs Dancer Dave, Dasher Darren and Prancer Al. Do take the time to browse around and participate in the blog. Older, slower and fatter than ever, that's the festive knobs!
Faraway Sir Ronald
It's been on and off for years but finally the time has come for Sir Ronald to be put out to pasture in Pembrokeshire and become Faraway Sir Ronald. Plenty of gardening to be done and the drink is already a distant memory. The KNOBS, who are they?
Goodbye Sir Ronald

Quack quack
Monday, 19 December 2011
Monday, 12 December 2011
Knobs 0 Ashwell 1
Middlin ti poor! Afew things amiss like the balls being left in Dave's house, Dave taking to the game without gloves (in the changing room), and balls semi inflated but fun can be squeezed from the most inauspicious circumstances. Who was that wanking behind Mark's tree? Cheek!
Three games now without notching. Yet the chances in this game and the last one have been so numerous. Therefore all is not up shite's creek without a paddle. We made lots of chances and chances accidentally fell into our path yet not once did the net bulge. There were some sitters- OK the goalie did well and blocked a few but the rest..... One day soon someone will take a hammering. I've heard Mike Lisle's coming back, quake ye mortals!
A cold morning 11 a side due to us donating the returning, mighty Mark Mills who gave a good account of himself- and providing the high moment of mirth of the first half with his spat with honest Alistair. There's Thursday night history to this tussle (a verbal one). Was it a corner, the ref (me) didn't give it and Mark and Alistair set about appealing to each others honesty. Words such as "cheat" and "bounder" turned the Knebworth air pink if not blue. A change from Tony's self deprecating "cunt!!!" every time that naughty ball deigned to ignore his commands. I'm sure the full back (the one resplendent in Norah Batty headscarf) spent the first half believing the words were aimed at him. "Stop him swearing referee", he bleated. Who's brought a sheep to the game? But by the end he had picked up a few pointers and was "bloody helling" with the best of them.
They had some youth and verve which we did well to deal with. Their commitment was honest and lasting though they did not threaten our goal very much at all, except for the goal they scored midway through the first half. Their forward tightly marked by the over breathing Brendan, turned and shot home nicely into a corner. Goalie little or no chance even if it was a birrovabobblyslowin, so don't worry Dave.
Our injured and back from injured players held up well. Darren A had a very good game as did Chris W. Matty looked much more committed, involved and sharper than he did the previous game and if he keeps up regular playing the goals will come. Steve B is still nursing that hamstring which he aggravated in one of his trade mark tackles, you know the one. But he'll be there next week, wallet in jock strap. Weather forecast seems stormy but we will all be there.
Dave came out second half (of goal that is) to be replaced by Alistair (second half clean sheet/ nothing to do mind). Dave is quite fit at the moment thus allowing him to motor round the pitch fouling people in all sorts of positions in both a footballing and an anatomical way- no anal penetration as yet but Tony is quivering in either anticipation or is it trepidation of next week's confrontation.
Come and see! Dave now known to his mates as "Don't foul". He has promised to change his ways and will be foregoing drink and fouling for New Year- 2025.
Brendan missed another header- he must stop going up for corners, he's becoming a very naughty boy.
A free kick from 25.5 yards by Steve, 39 years and 360 days at the time of writing, Bull was tipped onto the crossbar and came out into play. For all our attacks and corners nothing seemed to drop for us. Unlucky.
The crowd , John Boyle, was interviewed at half time. "What do you think John?"
"I'm fucking freezing". Interviewed at full time- he stayed the course though had to be unglued from the railing, John was of the opinion that.......... then he went. I think he was fucking freezing. Give my love to the boys he signed and was away.
Poor turn out in the Station, seven of us and NONE of them. Pretty poor show Ashwell.
Steve will be bringing his All Stars (drinkers) to play a Knobs cobbled together from the lame and the desperate. KICK OFF 11.30 am.
Afterwards it's the Station for garlic bread, fried bread, all sorts of bread and onion rings before heading to Rileys (Arsenal game) where the real action begins. Even if you don't intend to play come along and join in the merriment.
Three games now without notching. Yet the chances in this game and the last one have been so numerous. Therefore all is not up shite's creek without a paddle. We made lots of chances and chances accidentally fell into our path yet not once did the net bulge. There were some sitters- OK the goalie did well and blocked a few but the rest..... One day soon someone will take a hammering. I've heard Mike Lisle's coming back, quake ye mortals!
A cold morning 11 a side due to us donating the returning, mighty Mark Mills who gave a good account of himself- and providing the high moment of mirth of the first half with his spat with honest Alistair. There's Thursday night history to this tussle (a verbal one). Was it a corner, the ref (me) didn't give it and Mark and Alistair set about appealing to each others honesty. Words such as "cheat" and "bounder" turned the Knebworth air pink if not blue. A change from Tony's self deprecating "cunt!!!" every time that naughty ball deigned to ignore his commands. I'm sure the full back (the one resplendent in Norah Batty headscarf) spent the first half believing the words were aimed at him. "Stop him swearing referee", he bleated. Who's brought a sheep to the game? But by the end he had picked up a few pointers and was "bloody helling" with the best of them.
They had some youth and verve which we did well to deal with. Their commitment was honest and lasting though they did not threaten our goal very much at all, except for the goal they scored midway through the first half. Their forward tightly marked by the over breathing Brendan, turned and shot home nicely into a corner. Goalie little or no chance even if it was a birrovabobblyslowin, so don't worry Dave.
Our injured and back from injured players held up well. Darren A had a very good game as did Chris W. Matty looked much more committed, involved and sharper than he did the previous game and if he keeps up regular playing the goals will come. Steve B is still nursing that hamstring which he aggravated in one of his trade mark tackles, you know the one. But he'll be there next week, wallet in jock strap. Weather forecast seems stormy but we will all be there.
Dave came out second half (of goal that is) to be replaced by Alistair (second half clean sheet/ nothing to do mind). Dave is quite fit at the moment thus allowing him to motor round the pitch fouling people in all sorts of positions in both a footballing and an anatomical way- no anal penetration as yet but Tony is quivering in either anticipation or is it trepidation of next week's confrontation.
Come and see! Dave now known to his mates as "Don't foul". He has promised to change his ways and will be foregoing drink and fouling for New Year- 2025.
Brendan missed another header- he must stop going up for corners, he's becoming a very naughty boy.
A free kick from 25.5 yards by Steve, 39 years and 360 days at the time of writing, Bull was tipped onto the crossbar and came out into play. For all our attacks and corners nothing seemed to drop for us. Unlucky.
The crowd , John Boyle, was interviewed at half time. "What do you think John?"
"I'm fucking freezing". Interviewed at full time- he stayed the course though had to be unglued from the railing, John was of the opinion that.......... then he went. I think he was fucking freezing. Give my love to the boys he signed and was away.
Poor turn out in the Station, seven of us and NONE of them. Pretty poor show Ashwell.
Steve will be bringing his All Stars (drinkers) to play a Knobs cobbled together from the lame and the desperate. KICK OFF 11.30 am.
Afterwards it's the Station for garlic bread, fried bread, all sorts of bread and onion rings before heading to Rileys (Arsenal game) where the real action begins. Even if you don't intend to play come along and join in the merriment.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Sandridge 4 knobs 0
Poor result. We looked as if we'd never played together before, someone said, truth was we hadn't. Injury list is getting longer and with the allure of Christmas and the onset of winter personnel is getting thin on the ground if not in the gut. Mind the 18th could resuscitate enthusiasm, Steve's almost fit. (Steve was the attendance).
The bare 11 became 12 sometime in the middle of the first half when a lad called Tony/Andy (friend of Steve and Tony) donned the yellow and was to come on second half with some verve. With Craig on the right and the energetic Ali in the middle and Matty back home up front it was a bit of a change from last week and it all showed. Kicking uphill in the first half we did farely well in turning round only 1-0 down having actually had a sitter missed ourselves by.. no I can't name him- 9 out of 10 I'm sure he'd have scored.
We should have persevered with the same set up in the second half but Dave after a very competent first half in goal when he produced two blinding, proper goalkeeping saves decided to come out and was replaced in goal by John Twigg. John was in no way culpable for the three goals which followed in the second half but we lost our shape and positioning a bit second half, then as we fell further behind we lost our shape a big bit! We also lost any inclination in believing there was any need to play together and pass to each other- but hey it was a cold Sunday morning, we're all human and egos run contra to teamwork most our lives.
Their first goal was a diagonal free kick fizzed across goal right to left -definitely going out those in the vicinity thought, till it was hooked back in and into the net via a ricochet off Dave. Guilt of not playing till the ball's out anyone?
The second goal a centre from the right, led to a shove by Tony led to a penalty. This was inexplicable to some. I thought it was as obvious as it was soft but Tony is adamant that he just stood his ground with no intent. Did the bloke dive? Can we see the replay?
The third and fourth followed, one of them a deep cross from the right to the far post emphatically headed home, the only decent goal.
Our chances? Legion! Second half we missed for fun. Over elaborated in the penalty area, rustiness, crap finishing the combination.
You might notice I have emphasised three of the goals coming from the right, well forget the free kick one which we lost out on at our far post. But their strength was to knock the ball wide to a portly chap who hardly strayed from the touchline before receiving, steadying himself and delivering. Three ways of combatting that.
Stop the initial supply or discouraging it by having another portly chap standing reasonably close to him. Pressing the move when it developed - he gets the ball and often has his full back pressing to support, making it 2 against 1 and somewhat hard, so if the wide man presses the ball someone also has to join in to help him from being played around, OR let the fuckers have it wide, we haven't the numbers or energy to press, so we cut our losses narrow our defence and numerically superior defend the resulting cross. We were caught between all those options, but we never talk about them and certainly we don't work it out during the course of the game.
I was that man wide!
Chris W played well as did Tony or was it Andy who came on. The new Ali shone but did not win the game for us single handedly which his style of play was seemingly geared to. Harsh? Fuck off I've been there. Dave played well and in the second half played every location in the pitch, they seek him here.... trying to set a record of fouling every member of the opposition on the pitch, but he enjoyed himself. Brendan the super skull missed a sitter in front of posts. Tony went off injured, the curse of the pull. I don't think Chris Cox was feeling well and and and, next week Ashwell at home, who is going to mark Mark Mills?
They were an honest hard working bunch, crap dressing rooms, good bar. fair turn out hope Vinnie didn't get into bother!
Love yaz.
The bare 11 became 12 sometime in the middle of the first half when a lad called Tony/Andy (friend of Steve and Tony) donned the yellow and was to come on second half with some verve. With Craig on the right and the energetic Ali in the middle and Matty back home up front it was a bit of a change from last week and it all showed. Kicking uphill in the first half we did farely well in turning round only 1-0 down having actually had a sitter missed ourselves by.. no I can't name him- 9 out of 10 I'm sure he'd have scored.
We should have persevered with the same set up in the second half but Dave after a very competent first half in goal when he produced two blinding, proper goalkeeping saves decided to come out and was replaced in goal by John Twigg. John was in no way culpable for the three goals which followed in the second half but we lost our shape and positioning a bit second half, then as we fell further behind we lost our shape a big bit! We also lost any inclination in believing there was any need to play together and pass to each other- but hey it was a cold Sunday morning, we're all human and egos run contra to teamwork most our lives.
Their first goal was a diagonal free kick fizzed across goal right to left -definitely going out those in the vicinity thought, till it was hooked back in and into the net via a ricochet off Dave. Guilt of not playing till the ball's out anyone?
The second goal a centre from the right, led to a shove by Tony led to a penalty. This was inexplicable to some. I thought it was as obvious as it was soft but Tony is adamant that he just stood his ground with no intent. Did the bloke dive? Can we see the replay?
The third and fourth followed, one of them a deep cross from the right to the far post emphatically headed home, the only decent goal.
Our chances? Legion! Second half we missed for fun. Over elaborated in the penalty area, rustiness, crap finishing the combination.
You might notice I have emphasised three of the goals coming from the right, well forget the free kick one which we lost out on at our far post. But their strength was to knock the ball wide to a portly chap who hardly strayed from the touchline before receiving, steadying himself and delivering. Three ways of combatting that.
Stop the initial supply or discouraging it by having another portly chap standing reasonably close to him. Pressing the move when it developed - he gets the ball and often has his full back pressing to support, making it 2 against 1 and somewhat hard, so if the wide man presses the ball someone also has to join in to help him from being played around, OR let the fuckers have it wide, we haven't the numbers or energy to press, so we cut our losses narrow our defence and numerically superior defend the resulting cross. We were caught between all those options, but we never talk about them and certainly we don't work it out during the course of the game.
I was that man wide!
Chris W played well as did Tony or was it Andy who came on. The new Ali shone but did not win the game for us single handedly which his style of play was seemingly geared to. Harsh? Fuck off I've been there. Dave played well and in the second half played every location in the pitch, they seek him here.... trying to set a record of fouling every member of the opposition on the pitch, but he enjoyed himself. Brendan the super skull missed a sitter in front of posts. Tony went off injured, the curse of the pull. I don't think Chris Cox was feeling well and and and, next week Ashwell at home, who is going to mark Mark Mills?
They were an honest hard working bunch, crap dressing rooms, good bar. fair turn out hope Vinnie didn't get into bother!
Love yaz.
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